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Chapter: Object Oriented Analysis and Design

Logical Architecture

A package diagram is a UML diagram composed only of packages and the dependencies between them. A package is a UML construct that enables you to organize model elements, such as use cases or classes, into groups. Packages are depicted as file folders and can be applied on any UML diagram.

Logical Architecture


       A package diagram is a UML diagram composed only of packages and the dependencies between them. A package is a UML construct that enables you to organize model elements, such as use cases or classes, into groups. Packages are depicted as file folders and can be applied on any UML diagram.

Guidelines for Class Package Diagrams


       Create UML Component Diagrams to Physically Organize Your Design.


       Place Subpackages Below Parent Packages.


       Vertically Layer Class Package Diagrams.


       Create Class Package Diagrams to Logically Organize Your Design. Error! Reference source not found.depicts a UML Class diagram organized into packages. In addition to the package guidelines presented below, apply the following heuristics to organize UML Class diagrams into package diagrams:


1.       Place the classes of a framework in the same package.


2.       Classes in the same inheritance hierarchy typically belong in the same package.


3.       Classes related to one another via aggregation or composition often belong in the same package.


4.       Classes that collaborate with each other a lot, information that is reflected by your UML Sequence diagrams and UML Collaboration diagrams, often belong in the same package.

Guidelines for Use Case Package Diagrams


       Use cases are often a primary requirement artifact in object-oriented development methodologies, this is particularly true of instantiations of the Unified Process, and for larger projects package diagrams are often created to organize these usage requirements.

       Create Use Case Package Diagrams to Organize Your Requirements


       Include Actors on Use Case Package Diagrams


       Horizontally Arrange Use Case Package Diagrams


Guidelines for Packages


The advice presented in this section is applicable to the application of packages on any UML diagram, not just package diagrams.


       Give Packages Simple, Descriptive Names


       Apply Packages to Simplify Diagrams


       Packages Should be Cohesive


       Indicate Architectural Layers With Stereotypes on Packages


       Avoid Cyclic Dependencies Between Packages


       Package Dependencies Should Reflect Internal Relationships


Logical Architecture Refinement

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