Living World of Animals - Diversity in Living
Organism - Kingdom Animalia
The enormous variety of living organisms
surrounding us is incomprehensible. About 1.5 million species of animals are
already described and named. Without suitable method of classification, the
study of various organisms would be difficult.
For example, among the butterflies, it is difficult
to identify their varieties. Because there are different colour of butterflies
(blue, red, brown, yellow) and butterflies with spots (big and small).
Tigers and zebras have stripes. On the other hand
tigers look more like cats and zebras are more like horses. Can we classify
them based upon their appearances? What factors are significant for their
Long ago, when human civilization was confined to
small place, the number and variety of animals and plants that they were aware
was limited. However, when the European explorers went around the world during
the 15th and 16th centuries, they could collect information on plants and
animals from across the world. The immense diversity in shape, size and
features baffled them.
The first systematic approach to the classification
of living organisms was made by a Swedish botanist, Carolus Linnaeus. He
generated the standard system for naming organisms in terms of genus, species
and more extensive groupings using Latin terms.
For example, the tiger is a carnivore and the zebra
is an herbivore, both are striped animals, but the tiger resemble a cat more
than zebra. However all the three produce milk and feed their young ones.
Taxonomists realized that wide features are shared
for the ranking of higher group in classification. Therefore characters that
strike the eye, like the tiger’s stripes, are often less significant than
subtler ones, such as how many toes the animal possesses.
Different types of animals produce milk to feed
their young ones. Therefore all of them could be grouped into one major
category, known as mammals. Higher ranks are more comprehensive.
Human beings have a wonderful capacity to
discriminate different animals. While walking through a field we may come
across a jumping frog. Is it a frog or a toad? We may see a snake. Is it
poisonous or not? We may hear a bird call but we are not familiar with it.
Sometimes a fish may be seen in a temple tank. What kind is it?
In order to nd an answer to such questions, we
should know how to identify animals. For a biologist it is necessary to
identify the organism, which have a name for identi cation and to know the
group it belongs to.
It is the theoretical study of classification
including its basic principles, procedures and rules.
It is the ordering of organism into groups on the
basis of their similarities, dissimilarities and relationship.
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