Lipids are important cellular constituents. They are energy rich compounds. They form the most important storage food in the body. In our body, it serves as an insulating material. Cosmetically, the presence of limited amount of fat beneath the skin adds to beauty. Further, steroidal hormones are produced from certain lipids.
The most common type of lipids are the simple lipids (or) triglycerides. They are naturally occurring substances (vegetable oils). In animals it is a main constituent of adipose tissue. Chemically a triglyceride is formed of glycerol and fatty acids.
Fatty acids are of two types namely saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. The unsaturated fatty acids are capable of easier oxidative breakdown, hence poly unsaturated fatty acids(PUFA) are favoured for persons having high blood pressure and other related ailments. These fatty acids are abundent in sunflower oil and safflower oil.
Each gram of lipid is capable of yielding 9.3 calories of energy. It is suggested that 25% to 30% of total calories should come from fat.
The survival of all living organisms is due to several types of nutritive processes. The process of nutrition involves ingestion digestion, absorption and assimilation of food materials. The composition of nutrients vary in different types of feeding. However, for all living organisms, the nutrient comprises the following organic and inorganic components. They are carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins, minerals and water. Each component has a specific functional role. A well proportioned intake of nu-trients depends on several factors such as stage of growth, sex, health con-dition, bodily activities and environmental situations.
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