Intracranial Hypertension
Intracranial hypertension is defined as a sustained increase in
intracranial pressure (ICP) above 15 mm Hg. Intracranial hypertension may
result from an expanding tissue or fluid mass, a depressed skull fracture,
interference with normal absorptionof cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), excessive
cerebral blood volume (CBV), or systemic disturbances promoting brain edema .
Multiple fac-tors are often simultaneously present. For example, tumors in the
posterior fossa usually are not only associated with some degree of brain edema
and mass effect, but they also readily obstruct CSF out-flow by compressing the
fourth ventricle (obstruc-tive hydrocephalus).
Although many patients with increased
ICP are initially asymptomatic, they typically develop characteristic symptoms
and signs, including head-ache, nausea, vomiting, papilledema, focal
neuro-logical deficits, and altered consciousness. When ICP exceeds 30 mm Hg,
cerebral blood flow (CBF) progressively decreases, and a vicious circle is
estab-lished: ischemia causes brain edema, which in turn, increases ICP,
resulting in more ischemia. If left unchecked, this cycle continues until the
patient dies of progressive neurological damage or cata-strophic herniation.
Periodic increases in arterial blood pressure with reflex slowing of the heart
rate (Cushing response) can be correlated with abrupt increases in ICP (plateau
or A waves) last-ing 1–15 min. This phenomenon is the result of autoregulatory
mechanisms periodically decreasing cerebral vascular resistance and increasing
arterial blood pressure in response to cerebral ischemia; unfortunately, the
latter further increases ICP as CBV increases. Eventually, severe ischemia and
aci-dosis completely abolish autoregulation (vasomotor paralysis).
An increase in brain water content can
be produced by several mechanisms. Disruption of the blood– brain barrier
(vasogenic edema) is most common and allows the entry of plasma-like fluid into
the brain. Increases in blood pressure enhance the for-mation of this type of
edema. Common causes of vasogenic edema include mechanical trauma, high
altitudes, inflammatory lesions, brain tumors, hyper-tension, and infarction.
Cerebral edema following metabolic insults (cytotoxic edema), such as
hypox-emia or ischemia, results from failure of brain cells to actively extrude
sodium causing progressive cel-lular swelling. Interstitial cerebral edema is
the result of obstructive hydrocephalus and entry of CSF into brain
interstitium. Cerebral edema can also be the result of intracellular movement
of water second-ary to acute decreases in serum osmolality (water
Treatment of intracranial hypertension
and cerebral edema is ideally directed at the underlying cause. Metabolic
disturbances are corrected, and operative intervention is undertaken whenever
appropriate. Vasogenic edema—particularly that associated with tumors—often
responds to corticosteroids (dexa-methasone). Vasogenic edema from trauma
typically does not respond to corticosteroids. Blood glucose should be
monitored frequently and controlled with insulin infusions (if indicated) when
steroids are used. Regardless of the cause, fluid restriction, osmotic agents,
and loop diuretics are usually effec-tive in temporarily decreasing brain edema
and ICP until more definitive measures can be undertaken. Diuresis lowers ICP
chiefly by removing intracellular water from normal brain tissue. Moderate
hyperven-tilation (Paco2 of 30–33 mm Hg) is often very help-ful
in reducing CBF, CBV, and ICP acutely, but may aggravate ischemia in patients
with focal ischemia.
Mannitol, in doses of 0.25–0.5 g/kg, is
particu-larly effective in rapidly decreasing intracranial fluid volume and
ICP. Its efficacy is primarily related to its effect on serum osmolality. A
serum osmolality of 300–315 mOsm/L is generally considered desir-able. Mannitol
can transiently decrease blood pres-sure by virtue of its weak vasodilating
properties, but its principal disadvantage is a transient increase in
intravascular volume, which can precipitate pul-monary edema in patients with
borderline cardiac or renal function. Mannitol should generally not be used in
patients with intracranial aneurysms, arte-riovenous malformations (AVMs), or
intracranial hemorrhage until the cranium is opened. Osmotic diuresis in such
instances can expand a hematoma as the volume of the normal brain tissue around
it decreases. Rapid osmotic diuresis in elderly patients can also occasionally
cause a subdural hematoma due to rupture of fragile bridging veins entering the
sagittal sinus. Rebound edema may follow the use of mannitol; thus, it is
ideally used in procedures (such as a craniotomy for tumor resection) in which
intra-cranial volume will be reduced.
Use of a loop diuretic (furosemide), although having a lesser
maximal effect than mannitol and requiring up to 30 min, may have the
additional advantage of directly decreasing formation of CSF. The combined use
of mannitol and furosemide may be synergistic, but requires close monitoring of
the serum potassium concentration.
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