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Chapter: 11th 12th std standard Class Nursing Health Care Hospital Hygiene Higher secondary school College Notes

Indian National Family Welfare Programme

A national goitre control programme was launched in 1962, based on iodized salt.

National Family Welfare Programme :

Iodine   Deficiency   Disorders    Control  Programme:

A  national  goitre  control  programme was  launched  in  1962, based on iodized salt. After 20 years of operation, it was found that the prevalence of goitre had remained the same. Reassessment of the problem by the ICMR showed that goitre is widely prevalent in the country, besides the traditional Himalayan belt of endemic goitre.


As a result, a major national programme - Iodine Deficiency Disorder (IDD) Control Programme was initiated in which nation- wide, rather than area-specific use of iodized salt is being promoted. It was decided as a national policy to fortify all edible salt in a phased manner by the end of 8th plan.


The essential components of a national IDD programme are use of iodized salt in place of common salt, monitoring and surveillance, manpower training and mass communication.


National water supply and sanitation programme:


National water supply and sanitation programme was initiated in 1954 with the object of providing safe water supply and adequate drainage arrangements for the entire rural and urban population of the country.


The Central Government is providing long-range loans to States for implementing urban water supply schemes; and outright grants equal to half of the cost for implementing the rural water supply schemes.


Minimum Need Programme:


The Minimum Need Programme (MNP) was introduced in the first year of Fifth Five Year Plan. The objective of the programme is to provide certain basic minimum needs and thereby improve the living standards of the people.


It is the expression of the commitment of the government for the 'social and economic development of the community particularly the underprivileged and underserved population'.

The programme includes the following components :


Rural Health


Rural Water Supply


Rural Electrification


Elementary Education


Adult Education




Environment Improvement of Urban Slums


Houses for landless labourers


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11th 12th std standard Class Nursing Health Care Hospital Hygiene Higher secondary school College Notes : Indian National Family Welfare Programme |

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