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Chapter: Compilers : Principles, Techniques, & Tools : Run-Time Environments

Heap Management

1 The Memory Manager 2 The Memory Hierarchy of a Computer 3 Locality in Programs 4 Reducing Fragmentation 5 Manual Deallocation Requests 6 Exercises for Section 7.4

Heap Management

1 The Memory Manager

2 The Memory Hierarchy of a Computer

3 Locality in Programs

4 Reducing Fragmentation

5 Manual Deallocation Requests

6 Exercises for Section 7.4



The heap is the portion of the store that is used for data that lives indefinitely, or until the program explicitly deletes it. While local variables typically become inaccessible when their procedures end, many languages enable us to create objects or other data whose existence is not tied to the procedure activation that creates them. For example, both C + + and Java give the programmer new to create objects that may be passed — or pointers to them may be passed — from procedure to procedure, so they continue to exist long after the procedure that created them is gone. Such objects are stored on a heap.


In this section, we discuss the memory manager, the subsystem that allo-cates and deallocates space within the heap; it serves as an interface between application programs and the operating system. For languages like C or C + + that deallocate chunks of storage manually (i.e., by explicit statements of the program, such as f r e e or delete ) , the memory manager is also responsible for implementing deallocation.


In Section 7.5, we discuss garbage collection, which is the process of finding spaces within the heap that are no longer used by the program and can therefore be reallocated to house other data items. For languages like Java, it is the garbage collector that deallocates memory. When it is required, the garbage collector is an important subsystem of the memory manager.



1. The Memory Manager


The memory manager keeps track of all the free space in heap storage at all times. It performs two basic functions:


• Allocation. When a program requests memory for a variable or object,3 the memory manager produces a chunk of contiguous heap memory of the requested size. If possible, it satisfies an allocation request using free space in the heap; if no chunk of the needed size is available, it seeks to increase the heap storage space by getting consecutive bytes of virtual memory from the operating system. If space is exhausted, the memory manager passes that information back to the application program.


• Deallocation. The memory manager returns deallocated space to the pool of free space, so it can reuse the space to satisfy other allocation requests. Memory managers typically do not return memory to the operating sys-tem, even if the program's heap usage drops.


Memory management would be simpler if (a)  all allocation requests were for  chunks of the  same size,  and  (b)  storage were released predictably, say, first-allocated first-deallocated. There are some languages,  such as Lisp,  for which  condition  (a)  holds;  pure Lisp  uses  only one data element  — a two- pointer  cell — from which  all  data structures  are built.   Condition (b) also holds in some situations, the most common being data that can be allocated on the run-time stack.  However, in most languages, neither (a) nor (b) holds in general. Rather, data elements of different sizes are allocated, and there is no good way to predict the lifetimes of all allocated objects.


Thus, the memory manager must be prepared to service, in any order, allo-cation and deallocation requests of any size, ranging from one byte to as large as the program's entire address space.


Here are the properties we desire of memory managers:

•  Space  Efficiency. A  memory manager should  minimize  the  total  heap space needed by a program. Doing so allows larger programs to run in a fixed virtual address space. Space efficiency is achieved by minimizing "fragmentation," discussed in Section 7.4.4.


• Program Efficiency. A memory manager should make good use of the memory subsystem to allow programs to run faster. As we shall see in Section 7.4.2, the time taken to execute an instruction can vary widely depending on where objects are placed in memory. Fortunately, programs tend to exhibit "locality," a phenomenon discussed in Section 7.4.3, which refers to the nonrandom clustered way in which typical programs access memory. By attention to the placement of objects in memory, the memory manager can make better use of space and, hopefully, make the program run faster.

• Low Overhead. Because memory allocations and deallocations are fre-quent operations in many programs, it is important that these operations be as efficient as possible. That is, we wish to minimize the overhead — the fraction of execution time spent performing allocation and dealloca-tion. Notice that the cost of allocations is dominated by small requests; the overhead of managing large objects is less important, because it usu-ally can be amortized over a larger amount of computation.



2. The Memory Hierarchy of a Computer


Memory management and compiler optimization must be done with an aware-ness of how memory behaves. Modern machines are designed so that program-mers can write correct programs without concerning themselves with the details of the memory subsystem. However, the efficiency of a program is determined not just by the number of instructions executed, but also by how long it takes to execute each of these instructions. The time taken to execute an instruction can vary significantly, since the time taken to access different parts of memory can vary from nanoseconds to milliseconds. Data-intensive programs can there-fore benefit significantly from optimizations that make good use of the memory subsystem. As we shall see in Section 7.4.3, they can take advantage of the phenomenon of "locality" — the nonrandom behavior of typical programs.

The large variance in memory access times is due to the fundamental limitation in hardware technology; we can build small and fast storage, or large and slow storage, but not storage that is both large and fast.  It is simply impossible today to build gigabytes of storage with nanosecond access times, which is how fast high-performance processors run. Therefore, practically all modern computers arrange their storage as a memory hierarchy. A memory hierarchy, as shown in Fig. 7.16, consists of a series of storage elements, with the smaller faster ones "closer" to the processor, and the larger slower ones further away.

Typically, a processor has a small number of registers, whose contents are under software control. Next, it has one or more levels of cache, usually made out of static RAM, that are kilobytes to several megabytes in size. The next level of the hierarchy is the physical (main) memory, made out of hundreds of megabytes or gigabytes of dynamic RAM. The physical memory is then backed up by virtual memory, which is implemented by gigabytes of disks. Upon a memory access, the machine first looks for the data in the closest (lowest-level) storage and, if the data is not there, looks in the next higher level, and so on.


Registers are scarce, so register usage is tailored for the specific applications and managed by the code that a compiler generates. All the other levels of the hierarchy are managed automatically; in this way, not only is the programming task simplified, but the same program can work effectively across machines with different memory configurations. With each memory access, the machine searches each level of the memory in succession, starting with the lowest level, until it locates the data. Caches are managed exclusively in hardware, in order to keep up with the relatively fast RAM access times. Because disks are rela

tively slow, the virtual memory is managed by the operating system, with the assistance of a hardware structure known as the "translation lookaside buffer."


Data is transferred as blocks of contiguous storage. To amortize the cost of access, larger blocks are used with the slower levels of the hierarchy. Be-tween main memory and cache, data is transferred in blocks known as cache lines, which are typically from 32 to 256 bytes long. Between virtual memory (disk) and main memory, data is transferred in blocks known as pages, typically between 4K and 64K bytes in size.



3. Locality in Programs


Most programs exhibit a high degree of locality;  that is, they spend most of their time executing a relatively small fraction of the code and touching only a small fraction of the data. We say that  a program has  temporal locality if the memory locations it accesses are likely to be accessed again within a short period of time. We say that a program has spatial locality if memory locations close to the location accessed are likely also to be accessed within a short period of time.


The conventional wisdom is that programs spend 90% of their time executing 10% of the code. Here is why:


Programs often contain many instructions that are never executed. Pro-grams built with components and libraries use only a small fraction of the provided functionality. Also as requirements change and programs evolve, legacy systems often contain many instructions that are no longer used.


Static and Dynamic RAM


Most random-access memory is dynamic, which means that it is built of very simple electronic circuits that lose their charge (and thus "forget" the bit  they  were storing)  in  a short  time. These circuits  need to  be refreshed — that  is,  their  bits  read  and rewritten — periodically. On the other hand,  static RAM is designed with a more complex circuit for each bit, and consequently the bit stored can stay indefinitely, until it is changed. Evidently, a chip can store more bits if it uses dynamic-RAM circuits than if it uses static-RAM circuits, so we tend to see large main memories of the dynamic variety, while smaller memories, like caches, are made from static circuits.





• Only a small fraction of the code that could be invoked is actually executed in a typical run of the program. For example, instructions to handle illegal inputs and exceptional cases, though critical to the correctness of the program, are seldom invoked on any particular run.


            The typical program spends most of its time executing innermost loops and tight recursive cycles in a program.


Locality allows us to take advantage of the memory hierarchy of a modern computer, as shown in Fig. 7.16. By placing the most common instructions and data in the fast-but-small storage, while leaving the rest in the slow-but-large storage, we can lower the average memory-access time of a program significantly.


It has been found that many programs exhibit both temporal and spatial locality in how they access both instructions and data. Data-access patterns, however, generally show a greater variance than instruction-access patterns. Policies such as keeping the most recently used data in the fastest hierarchy work well for common programs but may not work well for some data-intensive programs — ones that cycle through very large arrays, for example.


We often cannot tell, just from looking at the code, which sections of the code will be heavily used, especially for a particular input. Even if we know which instructions are executed heavily, the fastest cache often is not large enough to hold all of them at the same time. We must therefore adjust the contents of the fastest storage dynamically and use it to hold instructions that are likely to be used heavily in the near future.


Optimization Using the  Memory Hierarchy

The policy of keeping the most recently used instructions in the cache tends to work well; in other words, the past is generally a good predictor of future memory usage.  When a new instruction is executed,  there is  a high probability that the next instruction also will be executed.  This phenomenon is an example of spatial locality. One effective technique to improve the spatial lo-cality of instructions is to have the compiler place basic blocks (sequences of instructions that are always executed sequentially) that are likely to follow each other contiguously — on the same page, or even the same cache line, if possi-ble. Instructions belonging to the same loop or same function also have a high probability of being executed together.4


We can also improve the temporal and spatial locality of data accesses in a program by changing the data layout or the order of the computation. For example, programs that visit large amounts of data repeatedly, each time per-forming a small amount of computation, do not perform well. It is better if we can bring some data from a slow level of the memory hierarchy to a faster level (e.g., disk to main memory) once, and perform all the necessary computations on this data while it resides at the faster level. This concept can be applied recursively to reuse data in physical memory, in the caches and in the registers.



4. Reducing Fragmentation


At the beginning of program execution, the heap is one contiguous unit of free space. As the program allocates and deallocates memory, this space is broken up into free and used chunks of memory, and the free chunks need not reside in a contiguous area of the heap. We refer to the free chunks of memory as holes. With each allocation request, the memory manager must place the requested chunk of memory into a large-enough hole. Unless a hole of exactly the right size is found, we need to split some hole, creating a yet smaller hole.


With each deallocation request, the freed chunks of memory are added back to the pool of free space.  We coalesce contiguous holes into larger holes, as the holes can only get smaller otherwise.  If we are not careful, the memory may end up getting fragmented, consisting of large numbers of small, noncontiguous holes. It is then possible that no hole is large enough to satisfy a future request, even though there may be sufficient aggregate free space.


Best - Fit  and  Next - Fit Object Placement

We reduce fragmentation by controlling how the memory manager places new objects in the heap. It has been found empirically that a good strategy for mini-mizing fragmentation for real-life programs is to allocate the requested memory in the smallest available hole that is large enough. This best-fit algorithm tends to spare the large holes to satisfy subsequent, larger requests. An alternative, called first-fit, where an object is placed in the first (lowest-address) hole in which it fits, takes less time to place objects, but has been found inferior to best-fit in overall performance.


To implement best-fit placement more efficiently, we can separate free space into bins, according to their sizes. One practical idea is to have many more bins for the smaller sizes, because there are usually many more small objects. For example, the Lea memory manager, used in the GNU C compiler gcc, aligns all chunks to 8-byte boundaries. There is a bin for every multiple of 8-byte chunks from 16 bytes to 512 bytes. Larger-sized bins are logarithmically spaced (i.e., the minimum size for each bin is twice that of the previous bin), and within each of these bins the chunks are ordered by their size. There is always a chunk of free space that can be extended by requesting more pages from the operating system. Called the wilderness chunk, this chunk is treated by Lea as the largest-sized bin because of its extensibility.


Binning makes it easy to find the best-fit chunk.


            If, as for small sizes requested from the Lea memory manager, there is a bin for chunks of that size only, we may take any chunk from that bin.


            For sizes that do not have a private bin, we find the one bin that is allowed to include chunks of the desired size. Within that bin, we can use


either a first-fit or a best-fit strategy; i.e., we either look for and select the first chunk that is sufficiently large or, we spend more time and find the smallest chunk that is sufficiently large. Note that when the fit is not exact, the remainder of the chunk will generally need to be placed in a bin with smaller sizes. 

•  However, it may be that the target bin is empty, or all chunks in that bin are too small to satisfy the request for space.  In that case, we simply repeat the search, using the bin for the next larger size(s).  Eventually, we either find a chunk we can use, or we reach the "wilderness"  chunk, from which we can surely obtain the needed space, possibly by going to the operating system and getting additional pages for the heap.

While best-fit placement tends to improve space utilization, it may not be the best in terms of spatial locality. Chunks allocated at about the same time by a program tend to have similar reference patterns and to have similar lifetimes. Placing them close together thus improves the program's spatial locality. One useful adaptation of the best-fit algorithm is to modify the placement in the case when a chunk of the exact requested size cannot be found. In this case, we use a next-fit strategy, trying to allocate the object in the chunk that has last been split, whenever enough space for the new object remains in that chunk. Next-fit also tends to improve the speed of the allocation operation.



M a n a g i n g and  Coalescing Free  Space


When an object is deallocated manually, the memory manager must make its chunk free, so it can be allocated again. In some circumstances, it may also be possible to combine (coalesce) that chunk with adjacent chunks of the heap, to form a larger chunk. There is an advantage to doing so, since we can always use a large chunk to do the work of small chunks of equal total size, but many small chunks cannot hold one large object, as the combined chunk could.


If we keep a bin for chunks of one fixed size, as Lea does for small sizes, then we may prefer not to coalesce adjacent blocks of that size into a chunk of double the size. It is simpler to keep all the chunks of one size in as many pages as we need, and never coalesce them. Then, a simple allocation/deallocation scheme is to keep a bitmap, with one bit for each chunk in the bin. A 1 indicates the chunk is occupied; 0 indicates it is free. When a chunk is deallocated, we change its 1 to a 0. When we need to allocate a chunk, we find any chunk with a 0 bit, change that bit to a 1, and use the corresponding chunk. If there are no free chunks, we get a new page, divide it into chunks of the appropriate size, and extend the bit vector.


Matters are more complex when the heap is managed as a whole, without binning, or if we are willing to coalesce adjacent chunks and move the resulting chunk to a different bin if necessary. There are two data structures that are useful to support coalescing of adjacent free blocks:


• Boundary Tags. At both the low and high ends of each chunk, whether  free or allocated, we keep vital information. At both ends, we keep a free/used bit that tells whether or not the block is currently allocated (used) or available (free). Adjacent to each free/used bit is a count of the total number of bytes in the chunk.

• A Doubly Linked, Embedded Free List. The free chunks (but not the allocated chunks) are also linked in a doubly linked list. The pointers for this list are within the blocks themselves, say adjacent to the boundary tags at either end. Thus, no additional space is needed for the free list, although its existence does place a lower bound on how small chunks can get; they must accommodate two boundary tags and two pointers, even if the object is a single byte. The order of chunks on the free list is left unspecified. For example, the list could be sorted by size, thus facilitating best-fit placement.


Example 7 . 1 0 :  Figure 7.17 shows part of a heap with three adjacent chunks, A, B, and C. Chunk B: of size 100, has just been deallocated and returned to the free list. Since we know the beginning (left end)  of 5, we also know the end of the chunk that happens to be immediately to B's left, namely A in this example. The free/used bit at the right end of A is currently 0, so A too is free. We may therefore coalesce A and B into one chunk of 300 bytes.

It  might be the  case that chunk C,  the chunk immediately to  B's right, is also free, in which case we can combine all of A, B,  and C. Note that if we always coalesce chunks when we can, then there can never be two adjacent free chunks, so we never have to look further than the two chunks adjacent to the one being deallocated. In the current case, we find the beginning of C by starting at the left end of B, which we know, and finding the total number of bytes in B, which is found in the left boundary tag of B and is 100 bytes. With this information, we find the right end of B and the beginning of the chunk to its right. At that point, we examine the free/used bit of C and find that it is 1 for used; hence, C is not available for coalescing.


Since we must coalesce A and B, we need to remove one of them from the free list. The doubly linked free-list structure lets us find the chunks before and after each of A and B. Notice that it should not be assumed that physical neighbors A and B are also adjacent on the free list. Knowing the chunks preceding and following A and B on the free list, it is straightforward to manipulate pointers on the list to replace A and B by one coalesced chunk. •



Automatic garbage collection can eliminate fragmentation altogether if it moves all the allocated objects to contiguous storage. The interaction between garbage collection and memory management is discussed in more detail in Sec-tion 7.6.4.



5. Manual Deallocation Requests


We close this section with manual memory management, where the programmer must explicitly arrange for the deallocation of data, as in C and C + + . Ideally, any storage that will no longer be accessed should be deleted. Conversely, any storage that may be referenced must not be deleted. Unfortunately, it is hard to enforce either of these properties. In addition to considering the difficulties with manual deallocation, we shall describe some of the techniques programmers use to help with the difficulties.


Problems  with Manual Deallocation


Manual memory management is error-prone. The common mistakes take two forms: failing ever to delete data that cannot be referenced is called a memory-leak error, and referencing deleted data is a dangling-pointer-dereference error.


It is hard for programmers to tell if a program will never refer to some stor-age in the future, so the first common mistake is not deleting storage that will never be referenced. Note that although memory leaks may slow down the exe-cution of a program due to increased memory usage, they do not affect program correctness, as long as the machine does not run out of memory. Many pro-grams can tolerate memory leaks, especially if the leakage is slow. However, for long-running programs, and especially nonstop programs like operating systems or server code, it is critical that they not have leaks.


Automatic garbage collection gets rid of memory leaks by deallocating all the garbage. Even with automatic garbage collection, a program may still use more memory than necessary. A programmer may know that an object will never be referenced, even though references to that object exist somewhere. In that case, the programmer must deliberately remove references to objects that will never be referenced, so the objects can be deallocated automatically.


Being overly zealous about deleting objects can lead to even worse problems than memory leaks. The second common mistake is to delete some storage and then try to refer to the data in the deallocated storage. Pointers to storage that has been deallocated are known as  dangling pointers.  Once the freed storage has been reallocated to  a new variable,  any read,  write,  or deallocation via the dangling pointer can produce seemingly random effects. We refer to any operation, such as read, write, or deallocate, that follows a pointer and tries to use the object it points to, as dereferencing the pointer.


Notice that reading through a dangling pointer may return an arbitrary value. Writing through a dangling pointer arbitrarily changes the value of the new variable. Deallocating a dangling pointer's storage means that the storage of the new variable may be allocated to yet another variable, and actions on the old and new variables may conflict with each other.


Unlike memory leaks, dereferencing a dangling pointer after the freed storage is reallocated almost always creates a program error that is hard to debug. As a result, programmers are more inclined not to deallocate a variable if they are not certain it is unreferencable.


A related form of programming error is to access an illegal address. Common examples of such errors include dereferencing null pointers and accessing an out-of-bounds array element. It is better for such errors to be detected than to have the program silently corrupt the results. In fact, many security violations exploit programming errors of this type, where certain program inputs allow unintended access to data, leading to a "hacker" taking control of the program and machine. One antidote is to have the compiler insert checks with every access, to make sure it is within bounds. The compiler's optimizer can discover and remove those checks that are not really necessary because the optimizer can deduce that the access must be within bounds.


An Example:  Purify


Rational's Purify is one of the most popular commercial tools that helps programmers find memory access errors and memory leaks in programs. Purify instruments binary code by adding additional instructions to check for errors as the program executes. It keeps a map of memory to indicate where all the freed and used spaces are. Each allocated object is bracketed with extra space; accesses to unallocated locations or to spaces between objects are flagged as errors. This approach finds some dangling pointer references, but not when the memory has been reallocated and a valid object is sitting in its place. This approach also finds some out-of-bound array accesses, if they happen to land in the space inserted at the end of the objects.



Purify also finds memory leaks at the end of a program execution. It searches the contents of all the allocated objects for possible pointer values. Any object without a pointer to it is a leaked chunk of memory. Purify reports the amount of memory leaked and the locations of the leaked objects. We may compare Purify to a "conservative garbage collector," which will be discussed in Section 7.8.3. and machine. One antidote is to have the compiler insert checks with every access, to make sure it is within bounds. The compiler's optimizer can discover and remove those checks that are not really necessary because the optimizer can deduce that the access must be within bounds.


Programming Conventions  and  Tools


We now present a few of the most popular conventions and tools that have been developed to help programmers cope with the complexity in managing memory:


• Object ownership is useful when an object's lifetime can be statically rea-soned about. The idea is to associate an owner with each object at all times. The owner is a pointer to that object, presumably belonging to some function invocation. The owner (i.e., its function) is responsible for either deleting the object or for passing the object to another owner. It is possible to have other, nonowning pointers to the same object; these pointers can be overwritten any time, and no deletes should ever be ap-plied through them. This convention eliminates memory leaks, as well as attempts to delete the same object twice. However, it does not help solve the dangling-pointer-reference problem, because it is possible to follow a nonowning pointer to an object that has been deleted.




Reference counting is useful when an object's lifetime needs to be deter-mined dynamically. The idea is to associate a count with each dynamically allocated object. Whenever a reference to the object is created, we incre-ment the reference count; whenever a reference is removed, we decrement the reference count. When the count goes to zero, the object can no longer be referenced and can therefore be deleted. This technique, however, does not catch useless, circular data structures, where a collection of objects cannot be accessed, but their reference counts are not zero, since they refer to each other. For an illustration of this problem, see Example 7.11. Reference counting does eradicate all dangling-pointer references, since there are no outstanding references to any deleted objects. Reference counting is expensive because it imposes an overhead on every operation that stores a pointer.




• Region-based allocation is useful for collections of objects whose lifetimes are tied to specific phases in a computation.When objects are created to be used only within some step of a computation, we can allocate all such objects in the same region. We then delete the entire region once that computation step completes. This region-based allocation technique has limited applicability. However, it is very efficient whenever it can be used; instead of deallocating objects one at a time, it deletes all objects in the region in a wholesale fashion.



6. Exercises for Section 7.4


Exercise 7 . 4 . 1 : Suppose the heap consists of seven chunks, starting at address 0. The sizes of the chunks, in order, are 80, 30, 60, 50, 70, 20, 40 bytes. When we place an object in a chunk, we put it at the high end if there is enough space remaining to form a smaller chunk (so that the smaller chunk can easily remain on the linked list of free space). However, we cannot tolerate chunks of fewer that 8 bytes, so if an object is almost as large as the selected chunk, we give it the entire chunk and place the object at the low end of the chunk.

If we request space for objects of the following sizes: 32, 64, 48, 16, in that order, what does the free space list look like after satisfying the requests, if the method of selecting chunks is



            First fit.


            Best fit.


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