Scope of
The work covered under this specification includes
all type of soling work either by bricks or by rubble stones laid under floors
/ foundations, hand packed, complete as per specification mentioned below and
applicable drawings.
Stone Soling:
The rubble stone shall be of best variety of black
trap / granite / basalt or other approved-variety of stone available locally.
The stone shall be hard, durable free from defects and of required size and
shall be approved by the Engineer-in-charge.
of Surface:
The bed on which rubble soling is to be laid shall
be cleared of all loose materials, leveled, watered ad compacted and got
approved by the Engineer-in-charge before laying rubble soling. Cable or pipe
trenches if shown in the drawing and as required by the Engineer-in-charge
shall be got done before the soling is started.
Over the prepared surface, the stone shall be set as closely
as possible and well packed and firmly set. The stones shall be of full height
and shall be laid so as to have their bases of the largest area resting on the
sub-grade. Soling shall be laid in one layer of 230mm or 150mm depth or
specified thickness of soling with a tolerance of 25mm. After packing the stones
properly in position, the interstices between them shall be carefully filled
with quarry spoils or stone chips of larger size possible to obtain a bard,
compact surface. Spreading of loose spoils or stone chips is prohibited. The
entire surface shall be examined for any protrusions and the same shall be
knocked off by a hammer and all interstices shall be filled with approved
murrum. Excess murrum if any over the surfaces shall be removed. Unless other
wise specified, the murrum shall be supplied by the contractor at his own cost
from the selected area. The surfaces shall then be watered and consolidated
with mechanical or sufficiently heavy wooden tampers and log-rammers as
approved by the Engineer. After compaction, the Engineer-in-charge to give the
required slope or level and dense sub-base and the surface shall present clean
look. Adequate care shall be taken by the contractor while laying and
compacting the rubble soling to see that concrete surfaces in contact with
soling are not damaged.
Mode of
quoted rate shall be per square metre of the soling of specified thickness. The
linear dimension shall be measured up to two places of decimals of a metre and
are worked out correct to the two places of decimals of a square metre. Plan
areas of soling work actually done limiting to the dimensions as per drawings
shall be measured for payment. The rate shall include all the materials labour,
transport etc. and no extra payment shall be made for work done at different
levels. The rate shall also include the cost of preparation of surface, all
materials and labour, watering, consolidation etc. all complete.
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