All foods except refined sugar, oils
and fats contain protein to varying degree.
Sources of Dietary Protein
Stuff Protein %
Sources :
Meat, fish and liver 18 - 20
Eggs 14
Milk powder, full fat 26
Milk powder, skimmed 33
Cheese 18
- 20
Pulses 18
- 24
Nuts and oilseeds 18 - 26
Soyabean 35
- 40
Sources :
Cereals and millets 6 -
Tender legumes, green peas, cow peas 7 -
Fair Sources :
Potato 2
Green leafy vegetables 2 -
Animal foods like meat, fish, egg
and plant foods like pulses oilseeds and nuts contain high amounts of proteins
and are classified as rich sources of proteins.
Cereals and millets and tender
legumes such as green peas are moderate sources of protein.
However cereals are consumed in
large amounts daily and contribute a considerable amount of protein to the
daily intake.
Leafy vegetables, roots and tubers
are poor sources of protein as they contain less than two percent proteins.
One fifth of an adults total body
weight is protein. Protein is found in every cell of our body.
All the tissues in our body such as
muscle, blood, bone, skin and hair are made up of proteins.
Many hormones and enzymes are either
protein or protein derivatives. The nucleic acids in the cell nucleus occur in
combination with proteins as nucleoproteins.
Protein is thus essential to
maintain cellular integrity and function and for health and reproduction.
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