Effect of Labor on Maternal Physiology
During intense painful contractions, maternal min-ute ventilation may
increase up to 300%. Oxygen consumption also increases by an additional 60%
above third-trimester values. With excessive hyper-ventilation, Paco2 may
decrease below 20 mm Hg. Marked hypocapnia can cause periods of
hypoven-tilation and transient maternal and fetal hypoxemia between
contractions. Excessive maternal hyper-ventilation also reduces uterine blood
flow and pro-motes fetal acidosis.
Each contraction places an additional burden on the heart by displacing
300–500 mL of blood from the uterus into the central
circulation (analogous to an autotransfusion). Cardiac output rises 45% over
third-trimester values. The greatest strain on the heart, however, occursimmediately
after delivery, when intense uterine contraction and involution suddenly
relieve inferior vena caval obstruction and increase cardiac output as much as
80% above late third trimester values.
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