Cutting fluids
Cutting fluid (coolant) is any liquid or gas that is applied to the chip and/or cutting tool to improve cutting performance. A very few cutting operations are performed dry, i.e., without the application of cutting fluids. Generally, it is essential that cutting fluids be applied to all machining operations.
Cutting fluids serve three principle functions:
To remove heat in cutting: the effective cooling action of the cutting fluid depends on the method of application, type of the cutting fluid, the fluid flow rate and pressure. The most effective cooling is provided by mist application combined with flooding. Application of fluids to the tool flank, especially under pressure, ensures better cooling that typical application to the chip but is less convenient.
To lubricate the chip-tool interface: cutting fluids penetrate the tool-chip interface improving lubrication between the chip and tool and reducing the friction forces and temperatures.
To wash away chips: this action is applicable to small, discontinuous chips only. Special devices are subsequently needed to separate chips from cutting fluids.
Methods of application
Manual application
Application of a fluid from a can manually by the operator. It is not acceptable even in job-shop situations except for tapping and some other operations where cutting speeds are very low and friction is a problem. In this case, cutting fluids are used as lubricants.
In flooding, a steady stream of fluid is directed at the chip or tool-workpiece interface. Most machine tools are equipped with a recirculating system that incorporates filters for cleaning of cutting fluids. Cutting fluids are applied to the chip although better cooling is obtained by applying it to the flank face under pressure
Coolant-fed tooling
Some tools, especially drills for deep drilling, are provided with axial holes through the body of the tool so that the cutting fluid can be pumped directly to the tool cutting edge.
Mist applications
Fluid droplets suspended in air provide effective cooling by evaporation of the fluid. Mist application in general is not as effective as flooding, but can deliver cutting fluid to inaccessible areas that cannot be reached by conventional flooding.
Types of cutting fluid
Cutting Oils
Cutting oils are cutting fluids based on mineral or fatty oil mixtures. Chemical additives like sulphur improve oil lubricant capabilities. Areas of application depend on the properties of the particular oil but commonly, cutting oils are used for heavy cutting operations on tough steels.
Soluble Oils
The most common, cheap and effective form of cutting fluids consisting of oil droplets suspended in water in a typical ratio water to oil 30:1. Emulsifying agents are also added to promote stability of emulsion. For heavy-duty work, extreme pressure additives are used. Oil emulsions are typically used for aluminum and cooper alloys.
Chemical fluids
These cutting fluids consist of chemical diluted in water. They possess good flushing and cooling abilities. Tend to form more stable emulsions but may have harmful effects to the skin.
Environmental issues
Cutting fluids become contaminated with garbage, small chips, bacteria, etc., over time. Alternative ways of dealing with the problem of contamination are:
Replace the cutting fluid at least twice per month,
Machine without cutting fluids (dry cutting),
Use a filtration system to continuously clean the cutting fluid.
Disposed cutting fluids must be collected and reclaimed. There are a number of methods of reclaiming cutting fluids removed from working area. Systems used range from simple settlement tanks to complex filtration and purification systems. Chips are emptied from the skips into a pulverizer and progress to centrifugal separators to become a scrap material. Neat oil after separation can be processed and returned, after cleaning and sterilizing to destroy bacteria.
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