Converting Fraction to Percentage
numbers which are represented using numerator and denominator are fractions. They can have any number as a denominator.
If the denominator of the fraction is hundred then it can be very easily expressed
as a percentage. Let us try to convert different fraction to percentage.
Example 2.1
Write 1/5 as per cent.
We have 1/5 = 1/5 × 100/100 = 1/5 ×100%
= 100/5 % = 20% .
Example 2.2
Convert 7/4 to per cent.
We have 7/4 = 7/4 × 100/100 = 7/4 ×100%
= 700/4 % = 175% .
Example 2.3
Out of 20 beads, 5 beads are red. What
is the percentage of red.
We have =5/20×5/20×100/100 =5/20 ×100%
=500/20 % = 25%.
Example 2.4
Convert the fraction 23/30 as per cent.
We have 23/30 =
23/30 ×
100/100 =
23/30 ×100%
76 2/3 %
From these examples we see that the percentage
of proper fractions are less than 100 and that of improper fractions are more than
Try these
Convert the fractions as percentage.
(i) 1/20 (ii) 13/25 (iii) 45/50
18/5 (v) 27/10 (vi) 72/90
(i) 1/20 = 1/20 × 100/100 = 1/20 × 100% = 5 %
(i) 1/20 = 1/20 × 100/100 = 1 / 20 × 100% = 5 %
(ii) 13/25 = 13/25 × 100/100 = 13 / 25 × 100% = 52 %
(iii) 45/20 = 45/50 × 100/100 = 45 / 50 × 100% = 90 %
(iv) 18/5 = 18/5 × 100/100 = 18 / 5 × 100% = 360 %
(v) 27/10 = 27/10 × 100/100 = 27 / 10 × 100% = 270 %
(vi) 72/90 = 72/90 × 100/100 = 72 / 90 × 100% = 80 %
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