Consequences of Chronic Alcohol
alcohol consumption profoundly affects the function of several vital
organs—particularly the liver—and the nervous, gastro-intestinal,
cardiovascular, and immune systems. Since ethanol has low potency, it requires
concentrations thousands of times higher than other misused drugs (eg, cocaine,
opiates, amphetamines) to produce its intoxicating effects. As a result,
ethanol is consumed in quantities that are unusually large for a
pharmacologically active drug. The
tissue damage caused by chronic alcohol ingestion results from a combination of
the direct effects of ethanol and acetaldehyde, and the metabolic consequences
of processing a heavy load of a meta-bolically active substance. Specific
mechanisms implicated in tissue damage include increased oxidative stress
coupled with depletion of glutathione, damage to mitochondria, growth factor dysregulation,
and potentiation of cytokine-induced injury.
consumption of large amounts of alcohol is associated with an increased risk of
death. Deaths linked to alcohol con-sumption are caused by liver disease,
cancer, accidents, and suicide.
disease is the most common medical complication of alco-hol abuse; an estimated
15–30% of chronic heavy drinkers even-tually develop severe liver disease.
Alcoholic fatty liver, a reversible condition, may progress to alcoholic
hepatitis and finally to cir-rhosis and liver failure. In the United States,
chronic alcohol abuse is the leading cause of liver cirrhosis and of the need
for liver transplantation. The risk of developing liver disease is related both
to the average amount of daily consumption and to the duration
alcohol abuse. Women appear to be more susceptible to alcohol hepatotoxicity
than men. Concurrent infection ith hepatitis B or C virus increases the risk of
severe liver disease.
pathogenesis of alcoholic liver disease is a multifactorial process involving
metabolic repercussions of ethanol oxidation in the liver, dysregulation of
fatty acid oxidation and synthesis, and activation of the innate immune system
by a combination of direct effects of ethanol and its metabolites and by
bacterial endo-toxins that access the liver as a result of ethanol-induced
changes in the intestinal tract. Tumor necrosis factor-α, a proinflammatory cytokine that is
consistently elevated in animal models of alcoholic liver disease and in
patients with alcoholic liver disease, appears to play a pivotal role in the
progression of alcoholic liver disease and may be a fruitful therapeutic
portions of the gastrointestinal tract can also be injured. Chronic alcohol
ingestion is by far the most common cause of chronic pancreatitis in the
Western world. In addition to its direct toxic effect on pancreatic acinar
cells, alcohol alters pancreatic epithelial permeability and promotes the
formation of protein plugs and calcium carbonate-containing stones.
with chronic alcoholism are prone to gastritis and have increased
susceptibility to blood and plasma protein loss during drinking, which may
contribute to anemia and protein malnutri-tion. Alcohol also injures the small
intestine, leading to diarrhea, weight loss, and multiple vitamin deficiencies.
from dietary deficiency and vitamin deficiencies due to malabsorption are
common in alcoholism. Malabsorption of water-soluble vitamins is especially
1. Tolerance and dependence—The consumption of alcoholin high doses over a long period results in tolerance and in physical and psychological dependence. Tolerance to the intoxicating effects of alcohol is a complex process involving poorly understood changes in the nervous system as well as the metabolic changes described earlier. As with other sedative-hypnotic drugs, there is a limit to tolerance, so that only a relatively small increase in the lethal dose occurs with increasing alcohol use.
alcohol drinkers, when forced to reduce or discon-tinue alcohol, experience a
withdrawal syndrome, which indicates the existence of physical dependence.
Alcohol withdrawal symptoms classically consist of hyperexcitability in mild
cases and seizures, toxic psychosis, and delirium
tremens in severe ones. The dose, rate, and duration of alcohol consumption
determine the intensity of the withdrawal syndrome. When consumption has been
very high, merely reducing the rate of consumption may lead to signs of
dependence on alcohol is characterized by a com-pulsive desire to experience
the rewarding effects of alcohol and, for current drinkers, a desire to avoid
the negative consequences of withdrawal. People who have recovered from
alcoholism and become abstinent still experience periods of intense craving for
alcohol that can be triggered by environmental cues associated in the past with
drinking, such as familiar places, groups of people, or events.
molecular basis of alcohol tolerance and dependence is not known with
certainty, nor is it known whether the two phenom-ena reflect opposing effects
on a shared molecular pathway. Tolerance may result from ethanol-induced
up-regulation of a pathway in response to the continuous presence of ethanol.
Dependence may result from overactivity of that same pathway after the ethanol
effect dissipates and before the system has time to return to a normal
ethanol-free state.
exposure of animals or cultured cells to alcohol elicits a multitude of
adaptive responses involving neurotransmitters and their receptors, ion
channels, and enzymes that participate in signal transduction pathways.
Up-regulation of the NMDA subtype of glutamate receptors and voltage-sensitive
Ca2+ channels may underlie the seizures that accompany the alcohol
withdrawal syn-drome. Based on the ability of sedative-hypnotic drugs that
enhance GABAergic neurotransmission to substitute for alcohol during alcohol
withdrawal and evidence of down-regulation of GABAA-mediated
responses with chronic alcohol exposure, changes in GABA neurotransmission are
believed to play a central role in tolerance and withdrawal.
other drugs of abuse, ethanol modulates neural activity in the brain’s
mesolimbic dopamine reward circuit and increasesdopamine release in the nucleus
accumbens . Alcohol affects local concentrations of serotonin, opioids, and
dopamine—neurotransmitters involved in the brain reward system— and has complex
effects on the expression of receptors for these neurotransmitters and their
signaling pathways. The discovery that naltrexone, a nonselective opioid
receptor antagonist, helps patients who are recovering from alcoholism abstain
from drink-ing supports the idea that a common neurochemical reward system is
shared by very different drugs associated with physical and psy-chological
dependence. There is also convincing evidence from animal models that ethanol
intake and seeking behavior are reduced by antagonists of another important
regulator of the brain reward system, the cannabinoid CB1 receptor, which is
the molecular target of active ingredients in marijuana. Two other important
neuroendocrine systems that appear to play key roles in modulating
ethanol-seeking activity in experimental animals are the appetite-regulating
system—which uses peptides such as leptin, ghrelin, and neuropeptide Y—and the
stress response system, which is controlled by corticotropin-releasing factor.
2. Neurotoxicity—Consumption of large
amounts of alcoholover extended periods (usually years) often leads to
neurologic deficits. The most common neurologic abnormality in chronic
alcoholism is generalized symmetric peripheral nerve injury, which begins with
distal paresthesias of the hands and feet. Degenerative changes can also result
in gait disturbances and ataxia. Other neu-rologic disturbances associated with
alcoholism include dementia and, rarely, demyelinating disease.
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome is a relatively
uncommon butimportant entity characterized by paralysis of the external eye
muscles, ataxia, and a confused state that can progress to coma and death. It
is associated with thiamine deficiency but is rarely seen in the absence of
alcoholism. Because of the importance of thiamine in this pathologic condition
and the absence of toxicity associated with thiamine administration, all
patients suspected of having Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome (including virtually
all patients who present to the emergency department with altered
consciousness, seizures, or both) should receive thiamine therapy. Often, the
ocular signs, ataxia, and confusion improve promptly upon administra-tion of
thiamine. However, most patients are left with a chronic disabling memory
disorder known as Korsakoff ’s psychosis.
may also impair visual acuity, with painless blurring that occurs over several
weeks of heavy alcohol consumption. Changes are usually bilateral and symmetric
and may be followed by optic nerve degeneration. Ingestion of ethanol
substitutes such as methanol (see Pharmacology of Other Alcohols) causes severe
visual disturbances.
· Cardiomyopathy and heart failure—Alcohol has complexeffects on the cardiovascular system. Heavy alcohol consumption of long duration is associated with a dilated cardiomyopathy with ventricular hypertrophy and fibrosis. In animals and humans, alcohol induces a number of changes in heart cells that may con-tribute to cardiomyopathy. They include membrane disruption, depressed function of mitochondria and sarcoplasmic reticulum,intracellular accumulation of phospholipids and fatty acids, and up-regulation of voltage-gated calcium channels. There is evidence that patients with alcohol-induced dilated cardiomyopathy do significantly worse than patients with idiopathic dilated cardio-myopathy, even though cessation of drinking is associated with a reduction in cardiac size and improved function. The poorer prog-nosis for patients who continue to drink appears to be due in part to interference by ethanol with the beneficial effects of β blockers and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors.
· Arrhythmias—Heavy drinking—and especially “binge”drinking—are associated with both atrial and ventricular arrhyth-mias. Patients undergoing alcohol withdrawal syndrome can develop severe arrhythmias that may reflect abnormalities of potassium or magnesium metabolism as well as enhanced release of catecholamines. Seizures, syncope, and sudden death during alcohol withdrawal may be due to these arrhythmias.
Hypertension—A link between heavier
alcohol consump-tion (more than three drinks per day) and hypertension has been
firmly established in epidemiologic studies. Alcohol is estimated to be
responsible for approximately 5% of cases of hypertension, making it one of the
most common causes of reversible hyperten-sion. This association is independent
of obesity, salt intake, coffee drinking, and cigarette smoking. A reduction in
alcohol intake appears to be effective in lowering blood pressure in
hypertensives who are also heavy drinkers; the hypertension seen in this
popula-tion is also responsive to standard blood pressure medications.
Coronary heart disease— Although the
deleterious effectsof excessive alcohol use on the cardiovascular system are
well estab-lished, there is strong epidemiologic evidence that moderate alcohol
consumption actually prevents coronary heart disease (CHD), ischemic stroke,
and peripheral arterial disease. This type of rela-tionship between mortality
and the dose of a drug is called a “J-shaped” relationship. Results of these
clinical studies are sup-ported by ethanol’s ability to raise serum levels of
high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (the form of cholesterol that
appears to protect against atherosclerosis;), by its ability to inhibit some of
the inflammatory processes that underlie athero-sclerosis while also increasing
production of the endogenous anti-coagulant tissue plasminogen activator
(t-PA,), and by the presence in alcoholic beverages (especially red wine) of
anti-oxidants and other substances that may protect against atheroscle-rosis.
These observational studies are intriguing, but randomized clinical trials
examining the possible benefit of moderate alcohol consumption in prevention of
CHD have not been carried out.
indirectly affects hematopoiesis through metabolic and nutritional effects and
may also directly inhibit the proliferation of all cellular elements in bone
marrow. The most common hemato-logic disorder seen in chronic drinkers is mild
anemia resulting from alcohol-related folic acid deficiency. Iron deficiency
anemia may result from gastrointestinal bleeding. Alcohol has also
beenimplicated as a cause of several hemolytic syndromes, some of which are
associated with hyperlipidemia and severe liver disease.
alcohol use has important effects on the endocrine system and on fluid and
electrolyte balance. Clinical reports of gyneco-mastia and testicular atrophy
in alcoholics with or without cirrhosis suggest a derangement in steroid
hormone balance.
with chronic liver disease may have disorders of fluid and electrolyte balance,
including ascites, edema, and effusions. Alterations of whole body potassium
induced by vomiting and diar-rhea, as well as severe secondary aldosteronism,
may contribute to muscle weakness and can be worsened by diuretic therapy. The
metabolic derangements caused by metabolism of large amounts of ethanol can
result in hypoglycemia, as a result of impaired hepatic gluconeogenesis, and in
ketosis, caused by excessive lipolytic factors, especially increased cortisol
and growth hormone.
maternal alcohol abuse during pregnancy is associated with teratogenic effects,
and alcohol is a leading cause of mental retardation and congenital
malformation. The abnormalities that have been characterized as fetal alcohol
syndrome include (1) intrauterine growth retardation, (2) microcephaly, (3)
poor coor-dination, (4) underdevelopment of midfacial region (appearing as a
flattened face), and (5) minor joint anomalies. More severe cases may include
congenital heart defects and mental retardation. Although the level of alcohol
intake required to cause serious neu-rologic deficits appears quite high, the
threshold for more subtle neurologic deficits is uncertain.
mechanisms that underlie ethanol’s teratogenic effects are unknown. Ethanol
rapidly crosses the placenta and reaches concentra-tions in the fetus that are
similar to those in maternal blood. The fetal liver has little or no alcohol
dehydrogenase activity, so the fetus must rely on maternal and placental
enzymes for elimination of alcohol
neuropathologic abnormalities seen in humans and in ani-mal models of fetal
alcohol syndrome indicate that ethanol triggers apoptotic neurodegeneration and
also causes aberrant neuronal and glial migration in the developing nervous
system. In tissue culture systems, ethanol causes a striking reduction in
neurite outgrowth.
effects of alcohol on the immune system are complex; immune function in some
tissues is inhibited (eg, the lung), whereas pathologic, hyperactive immune
function in other tissues is triggered (eg, liver, pancreas). In addition,
acute and chronic exposure to alcohol have widely different effects on immune
func-tion. The types of immunologic changes reported for the lung include
suppression of the function of alveolar macrophages, inhi-bition of chemotaxis
of granulocytes, and reduced number and function of T cells. In the liver,
there is enhanced function of key cells of the innate immune system (eg,
Kupffer cells, hepatic stellate cells) and increased cytokine production. In
addition to the inflammatory damage that chronic heavy alcohol use precipitates
in the liver and pancreas, it predisposes to infections, especially of the
lung, and worsens the morbidity and increases the mortality risk of patients
with pneumonia.
alcohol use increases the risk for cancer of the mouth, pharynx, larynx,
esophagus, and liver. Evidence also points to a small increase in the risk of
breast cancer in women. Much more information is required before a threshold
level for alcohol con-sumption as it relates to cancer can be established.
Alcohol itself does not appear to be a carcinogen in most test systems.
However, its primary metabolite, acetaldehyde, can damage DNA, as can the
reactive oxygen species produced by increased cytochrome P450 activity. Other
factors implicated in the link between alcohol and cancer include changes in
folate metabolism and the growth-promoting effects of chronic inflammation.
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