Consensus and related problems
§ Problems
of agreement
For processes to agree on a value (consensus) after
one or more of the processes has proposed what that value should be
Covered topics: byzantine generals, interactive
consistency, totally ordered multicast
The byzantine generals problem: a decision whether
multiple armies should attack or retreat, assuming that united action will be
more successful than some attacking and some retreating
Another example might be space ship controllers
deciding whether to proceed or abort. Failure handling during consensus is a
key concern
§ Assumptions
communication (by message passing) is reliable
processes may fail
§ Sometimes
up to f of the N processes are faulty
Consensus Process
Each process pi begins in an undecided state and
proposes a single value vi, drawn from a set D (i=1…N)
Processes communicate with each other, exchanging
Each process then sets the value of a decision
variable di and enters the decided state
Requirements for Consensus
§ Three
requirements of a consensus algorithm
Termination: Eventually every correct
process sets its decision variable
Agreement: The decision value of all
correct processes is the same: if pi and pj are correct and have entered the decided state, then di=dj
(i,j=1,2, …, N)
Integrity: If the correct processes all
proposed the same value, then any correct process in the decided state has chosen that value
The byzantine generals problem
§ Problem
Three or more generals must agree to attack or to retreat
One general, the commander, issues the order
Other generals, the lieutenants, must decide to attack or retreat
One or more generals may be treacherous
A treacherous
general tells one general to attack and another to retreat
Difference from consensus is that a single process
supplies the value to agree on
eventually each correct process sets its decision variable
Agreement: the
decision variable of all correct processes is the same
Integrity: if the
commander is correct, then all correct processes agree on the value that the
commander has proposed (but the commander need not be correct)
The interactive consistency problem
§ Interactive
consistency: all correct processes agree on a vector of values, one for each
process. This is called the decision vector
Another variant of consensus
§ Requirements
eventually each correct process sets its decision variable
Agreement: the
decision vector of all correct processes is the same
Integrity: if any
process is correct, then all correct processes decide the correct value for
that process
Relating consensus to other problems
§ Consensus
(C), Byzantine Generals (BG), and Interactive Consensus (IC) are all problems
concerned with making decisions in the context of arbitrary or crash failures
§ We can
sometimes generate solutions for one problem in terms of another. For example
We can derive IC from BG by running BG N times,
once for each process with that process acting as commander
We can derive C from IC by running IC to produce a
vector of values at each process, then applying a function to the vector‘s
values to derive a single value.
We can derive BG from C by
§ Commander
sends proposed value to itself and each remaining process
§ All
processes run C with received values
§ They
derive BG from the vector of C values
Consensus in a Synchronous System
§ Up to f
processes may have crash failures, all failures occurring during f+1 rounds.
During each round, each of the correct processes multicasts the values among
The algorithm guarantees all surviving correct
processes are in a position to agree
Note: any process with f failures will require at
least f+1 rounds to agree
Limits for solutions to Byzantine Generals
§ Some cases
of the Byzantine Generals problems have no solutions
Lamport et al
found that if there are only 3 processes, there is no solution
Pease et al
found that if the total number of processes is less than three times the number
of failures plus one, there is no solution
§ Thus
there is a solution with 4 processes and 1 failure, if there are two rounds
In the first, the commander sends the values
while in the second, each lieutenant sends the
values it received
Asynchronous Systems
All solutions to consistency and Byzantine generals
problems are limited to synchronous systems
Fischer et al
found that there are no solutions in an asynchronous system with even one
This impossibility is circumvented by masking faults or using failure detection
There is also a partial solution, assuming an adversary process, based on introducing random values in the process to prevent an effective thwarting strategy.
This does not always reach consensus
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