process executes on a single processor, and the processors do not share memory
(Chapter 6 briefly considered the case of processes that share memory). Each
process pi in has a state si that, in general, it transforms as it
executes. The process’s state includes the values of all the variables within it.
Its state may also include the values of any objects in its local operating
system environment that it affects, such as files. We assume that processes
cannot communicate with one another in any way except by sending messages
through the network.
So, for
example, if the processes operate robot arms connected to their respective
nodes in the system, then they
are not
allowed to communicate by shaking one another’s robot hands! As each process pi executes it takes a series of
actions, each of which is either amessage send
or receive operation, or an operation
that transforms pi ’s state – one
one or more of the values in si. In
practice, we may choose to use a high-leveldescription of the actions,
according to the application. For example, if the processes in are engaged in
an eCommerce application, then the actions may be ones such as ‘client
dispatched order message’ or ‘merchant server recorded transaction to log’.
We define
an event to be the occurrence of a single action that a process carries out as
it executes – a communication action or a state-transforming action. The
sequence of events within a single process pi
can be placed in a single, total ordering, which we denote by the relation i between the events.
That is,
if and only if the event e occurs
before e at pi . This ordering is well defined, whether or not the process is
since we
have assumed that the process executes on a single processor. Now we can define
the history of process pi to be the series of events that take
place within it, ordered as we have described by the relation Clocks •
We have seen how to order the events at a process, but not how to timestamp
them – i.e., to assign to them a date and time of day. Computers each contain
their own physical clocks. These clocks are electronic devices that count
oscillations occurring in a crystal at a definite frequency, and typically
divide this count and store the result in a counter register. Clock devices can
be programmed to generate interrupts at regular intervals in order that, for
example, timeslicing can be implemented; however, we shall not concern
ourselves with this aspect of clock operation.
operating system reads the node’s hardware clock value, Hi t , scales it and adds an offset so as to produce a software
clock Ci t = Hi t + that approximately measures real, physical time t for process pi . In other words, when the real time in an absolute frame of
reference is t, Ci t is the reading on the software clock. For example,
Ci t could be the 64-bit value of the
number of nanoseconds that have elapsed at time t since a convenient
reference time. In general, the clock is not completely accurate, so Ci t will differ from t. Nonetheless, if Ci behaves sufficiently well (we shall examine the notion of clock
correctness shortly), we can use its
value to timestamp any event at pi .
Note that successive events will correspond to different timestamps only if the
clock resolution – the period between
updates of the clock value – is smaller than the time interval between
successive events. The rate at which events occur depends on such factors as
the length of the processor instruction cycle.
Clock skew and clock drift • Computer
clocks, like any others, tend not to be in perfect agreement
Coordinated Universal Time • Computer
clocks can be synchronized to external sources of highly accurate time. The most accurate physical clocks use atomic
oscillators, whose
rate is about one part in 1013. The output of these atomic clocks is used as
the standard second has been defined as 9,192,631,770 periods of transition
between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of Caesium-133 (Cs133).
and years and other time units that we use are rooted in astronomical time.
They were originally defined in terms of the rotation of the Earth on its axis
and its rotation about the Sun.
the period of the Earth’s rotation about its axis is gradually getting longer,
primarily because of tidal friction; atmospheric effects and convection
currents within the Earth’s core also cause short-term increases and decreases
in the period. So astronomical time and atomic time have a tendency to get out
of step.
Coordinated Universal Time – abbreviated as UTC (from the French
equivalent) – is an international standard
for timekeeping. It is based on atomic time, but a so-called ‘leap second’ is
inserted – or, more rarely, deleted – occasionally to keep it in step with
astronomical time. UTC signals are synchronized and broadcast regularly from
stations and satellites covering many parts of the world. For example, in the
USA, the radio station WWV broadcasts time signals on several shortwave
sources include the Global Positioning
System (GPS).Receivers are available commercially. Compared with ‘perfect’
UTC, the signals received from land-based stations have an accuracy on the
order of 0.1–10 milliseconds,
on the station used. Signals received from GPS satellites are accurate to about
1 microsecond. Computers with receivers attached can synchronize their clocks
with these timing signals.
physical clocks
In order
to know at what time of day events occur at the processes in our distributed
system – for example, for accountancy purposes – it is necessary to synchronize
the processes’ clocks, Ci , with an
authoritative, external source of time. This is external synchronization. And if the clocks Ci are synchronized with one another to a known degree of accuracy,
then we can measure the interval between two events occurring at different
computers by appealing to their local clocks, even though they are not
necessarily synchronized to an external source of time. This is internal synchronization.We define these two modes of synchronization more
closely as follows, over an interval
of real
time I:
External synchronization: For a
synchronization bound D 0 , and for a
source S of UTC time, S t – Ci t < D, for i = 1 2 N and for all real times t in I. Another way of saying this is that the clocks Ci are accurate to within
the bound D.
Internal synchronization: For a
synchronization bound D 0 , Ci t
– Cj t D for i j
= 1
2 N , and for all real times t in I.
Another way of saying this is that he clocks Ci agree within the bound D.
Clocks that are internally synchronized are not necessarily externally
synchronized, since they may drift collectively from an external source of time
even though they agree with one another. However, it follows from the
definitions that if the system is externally synchronized with a bound D then the same system is internally
synchronized with a bound of 2D.
Various notions of correctness for
clocks have been suggested. It is common to define a hardware clock H to be correct if its drift rate falls
within a known bound (a value derived from one supplied by the manufacturer,
such as 10–6 seconds/second).
means that the error in measuring the interval between real times t and t ( t t ) is bounded:
1 – t – t
H t
– H t 1 + t – t
condition forbids jumps in the value of hardware clocks (during normal
operation). Sometimes we also require our software clocks to obey the condition
but a weaker condition of monotonicity
may suffice. Monotonicity is the condition that a clock C only ever advances: t t C t
C t For example, the UNIX make
facility is a tool that is used to compile only those source files that have
been modified since they were last compiled. The modification dates of each
corresponding pair of source and object files are compared to determine this
condition. If a computer whose clock was running fast set its clock back after
compiling a source file but before the file was changed, the source file might
appear to have been modified prior to the compilation. Erroneously, make will not recompile the source file.
We can
achieve monotonicity despite the fact that a clock is found to be running fast.
We need only change the rate at which updates are made to the time as given to
applications. This can be achieved in software without changing the rate at
which the underlying hardware clock ticks – recall that Ci t = Hi t + , where we
are free to
the values of and . A hybrid correctness condition that is sometimes applied is
to require that a clock
obeys the
monotonicity condition, and that its drift rate is bounded between synchronization
points, but to allow the clock value to jump ahead at synchronization points.
A clock
that does not keep to whatever correctness conditions apply is defined to be faulty. A clock’s crash failure is said to occur when the clock stops ticking altogether;
any other
clock failure is an arbitrary failure.
A historical example of an arbitrary failure is that of a clock with the ‘Y2K
bug’, which broke the monotonicity condition by registering the date after 31
December 1999 as 1 January 1900 instead of 2000; another example is a clock
whose batteries are very low and whose drift rate suddenly becomes
Note that
clocks do not have to be accurate to be correct, according to the definitions.
Since the goal may be internal rather than external synchronization, the
criteria for correctness are only concerned with the proper functioning of the
clock’s ‘mechanism’, not its absolute setting. We now describe algorithms for
external synchronization and for internal
time and logical clocks
From the
point of view of any single process, events are ordered uniquely by times shown
on the local clock. However, as Lamport [1978] pointed out, since we cannot
synchronize clocks perfectly across a distributed system, we cannot in general use
physical time to find out the order of any arbitrary pair of events occurring
within it. In general, we can use a scheme that is similar to physical
causality but that applies in distributed systems to order some of the events
that occur at different processes. This ordering is based on two simple and
intuitively obvious points: • If two
events occurred at the same process pi i
= 1 2 N , then they occurred in the
order in which pi observes them –
this is the order i that we defined
above.• Whenever a message is sent
between processes, the event of sending the message occurred before the event
of receiving the message. Lamport called the partial ordering obtained by
generalizing these two relationships the happened-before
relation. It is also sometimes known as the relation of causal ordering or potential
causal ordering.
We can
define the happened-before relation, denoted by , as follows: HB1: If process pi : e
i e', then e e .
HB2: For
any message m, send(m) receive(m) – where send(m) is the event of sending the message,
and receive(m)
is the
event of receiving it. HB3: If e, e and e are events such that e e
and e e , then e e .
Totally ordered logical clocks • Some
pairs of distinct events, generated by different processes, have numerically identical Lamport
timestamps. However, we can create a total order on the set of events
that is,
one for which all pairs of distinct events are ordered – by taking into account
the identifiers of the processes at which events occur. If e is an event occurring at pi
with local timestamp Ti , and e is an event occurring at pj with local timestamp Tj , we define the global logical
timestamps for these events to be Ti i and Tj j , respectively. And we define Ti i Tj j if and only if either Ti
Tj , or Ti = Tj and i j . This
ordering has no general physical significance
process identiiers are arbitrary), but it is sometimes useful. Lamport used it,
for example, to order the entry of processes to a critical section.
Vector clocks • Mattern [1989] and Fidge [1991]
developed vector clocks to overcome the shortcoming
of Lamport’s clocks: the fact that from L
e L e we cannot conclude that e e
. . A vector clock for a system of N
processes is an array of N
Each process keeps its own vector clock, Vi
, which it uses to timestamp local events. Like Lamport timestamps, processes
piggyback vector timestamps on the messages they send to one another, and there
are simple rules for updating the clocks:
Initially, Vi j = 0 , for i j = 1 2 N .
VC2: Just
before pi timestamps an event, it
sets Vi i :=Vi i + 1. VC3: pi
includes the value t = Vi in every message it sends.
VC4: When
pi receives a timestamp t in a message, it sets Vi j := max Vi j t j , for j = 1
2 N . Taking the componentwise
maximum of two vector timestamps in this way is known as a merge operation.For a vector clock Vi , Vi i is the number
of events that pi has timestamped,
and Vi j j i is the number of events
that have occurred at pj that have
potentially affected pi . (Process pj may have timestamped more events by this point, but no
information has flowed to pi about
them in messages as yet.)
Clocks, Events and Process States
o A distributed system consists of a collection P of N processes pi, i = 1,2,… NEach process pi has a state si consisting of its variables (which it transforms as it executes)
o Processes communicate only by messages (via a network)
o Actions of processes: Send, Receive, change own state
o Event: the occurrence of a single action that a process carries out as it executes
o Events at a single process pi, can be placed in a total ordering denoted by the relation →i between the events. i.e.e →i e’ if and only if event e occurs before event e’ at process pi
o A history of process pi: is a series of events ordered by →i
o history(pi) = hi =<ei0, ei1, ei2, …>
timestamp events, use the computer‘s clock • At real time, t, the OS reads the time on the
computer‘s hardware clock Hi(t)
§ It
calculates the time on its software
clock Ci(t)=αHi(t) + β
e.g. a 64 bit value giving nanoseconds since some
base time
Clock resolution: period between updates of the
clock value
§ In
general, the clock is not completely accurate – but if Ci behaves well enough, it can be used to timestamp events at pi
between computer clocks in a distributed system
clocks are not generally in perfect agreement
skew: the difference between the times on two clocks (at any instant)
clocks use crystal-based clocks that are subject to physical variations
drift: they count time at different rates and so diverge (frequencies of
oscillation differ)
drift rate: the difference per unit of time from some ideal
reference clock
quartz clocks drift by about 1 sec in 11-12 days. (10-6 secs/sec).
precision quartz clocks drift rate is about 10-7 or 10-8 secs/sec
Universal Time (UTC)
UTC is an
international standard for time keeping
It is
based on atomic time, but occasionally adjusted to astronomical time
Atomic Time is based on very accurate physical clocks (drift rate 10-13)
It is
broadcast from radio stations on land and satellite (e.g.GPS)
with receivers can synchronize their clocks with these timing signals (by
requesting time from GPS/UTC source)
from land-based stations are accurate to about 0.1-10 millisecond
from GPS are accurate to about 1 microsecond
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