Cognition can be
affected by many variables, including sensory impairment, physiologic health,
environment, and psychosocial influences. Older adults may experience temporary
changes in cognitive function when hospitalized or admitted to skilled nurs-ing
facilities, rehabilitation centers, or long-term care facilities. These changes
are related to differences in environment or in medical therapy, or to
alteration in role performance.
When intelligence test scores from people of all ages are com-pared
(cross-sectional testing), test scores for older adults show a progressive
decline beginning in midlife. Research has shown, however, that environment and
health have a considerable influ-ence on scores and that certain types of
intelligence (eg, spatial perceptions and retention of nonintellectual
information) de-cline, whereas other types do not (problem-solving ability
based on past experiences, verbal comprehension, mathematical abil-ity).
Cardiovascular health, a stimulating environment, high lev-els of education,
occupational status, and income all appear to have a positive effect on
intelligence scores in later life.
The ability to learn and
acquire new skills and information de-creases in the older adult, particularly
after the seventh decade of life. Despite this, many older people continue to
learn and par-ticipate in varied educational experiences. Motivation, speed of
performance, and physical status all are important influences on learning.
The components of memory, an integral part of learning, include
short-term memory (5 to 30 seconds), recent memory (1 hour to several days),
and long-term memory (lifetime). Ac-quisition of information, registration
(recording), retention (stor-ing), and recall (retrieval) are essential
components of the memory process. Sensory losses, distractions, and disinterest
interfere with acquiring and recording information. Age-related loss occurs
more frequently with short-term and recent memory; in the ab-sence of a
pathologic process, this is called benign senescent for-getfulness. A nurse
considers the process by which older adults learn when he or she uses the
following strategies:
Supplies mnemonics to enhance recall of related
Encourages ongoing learning
Links new information with familiar information
Uses visual, auditory, and other sensory cues
Encourages learners to wear prescribed glasses and
hearing aids
Provides glare-free lighting
Provides a quiet, nondistracting environment
Sets short-term goals with input from the learner
Keeps teaching periods short
Paces learning tasks according to the endurance of
the learner
Encourages verbal participation by learners
Reinforces successful learning in a positive manner
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