Anesthesia for Labor & Vaginal Delivery
The pain of labor arises from contraction of the myometrium against the
resistance of the cervix and perineum, progressive dilation of the cervix and
lower uterine segment, and stretching and compres-sion of pelvic and perineal
Pain during the first stage of labor is
primar-ily visceral pain resulting from uterine contractions and cervical
dilation. It is usually initially confined to the T11–T12 dermatomes during the
latent phase, but eventually involves the T10–L1 dermatomes as labor enters the
active phase. The visceral afferent fibers responsible for labor pain travel
with sympa-thetic nerve fibers first to the uterine and cervical plexuses, then
through the hypogastric and aortic plexuses, before entering the spinal cord
with the T10–L1 nerve roots. The pain is initially perceived in the lower
abdomen but may increasingly be referred to the lumbosacral area, gluteal
region, and thighs as labor progresses. Pain intensity also increases with
progressive cervical dilation and with increas-ing intensity and frequency of
uterine contractions. Nulliparous women and those with a history of
dys-menorrhea appear to experience greater pain during the first stage of
The onset of perineal pain at the end of the
first stage signals the beginning of fetal descent and the second stage of
labor. Stretching and compression of pelvic and perineal structures intensifies
the pain. Sensory innervation of the perineum is provided by the pudendal nerve
(S2–4) so pain during the sec-ond stage of labor involves the T10–S4
Psychological and nonpharmacological techniques are based on the premise
that the pain of labor can be suppressed by reorganizing
one’s thoughts. Patient education and positive conditioning about the birthing
process are central to such techniques. Pain during labor tends to be
accentuated by fear of the unknown or previous unpleasant experiences.
Techniques include those of Bradley, Dick-Read, Lamaze, and LeBoyer. The Lamaze
technique, one of the most popular, coaches the parturient to take a deep
breath at the beginning of each contraction followed by rapid, shallow breathing
for the duration of the contraction. The parturient also concentrates on an
object in the room and attempts to focus her thoughts away from the pain. Less
common non-pharmacological techniques include hypnosis, trans-cutaneous
electrical nerve stimulation, biofeedback, and acupuncture. The success of all
these techniques varies considerably from patient to patient, and many patients
require additional forms of analgesia.
Nearly all parenteral opioid analgesics and
sedatives readily cross the placenta and canaffect the fetus. Concern over
fetal depression limits the use of these agents to the early stages of labor or
to situations in which regional anesthetic techniques are not available or
appropriate. Central nervous sys-tem depression in the neonate may be
manifested by a prolonged time to sustain respirations, respiratory acidosis,
or an abnormal neurobehavioral exami-nation. Moreover, loss of beat-to-beat
variability in the fetal heart rate (seen with most central nervous system depressants)
and decreased fetal movements (due to sedation of the fetus) complicate the
evalua-tion of fetal well-being during labor. Long-term fetal heart rate
variability is affected more than short-term variability. The degree and
significance of these effects depend on the specific agent, the dose, the time
elapsed between its administration and deliv-ery, and fetal maturity. Premature
neonates exhibit the greatest sensitivity. In addition to maternal respi-ratory
depression, opioids can also induce maternal nausea and vomiting and delay
gastric emptying. Some clinicians have advocated use of opioids via
patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) devices early in labor because this
technique appears to reduce total opioid requirements.
Meperidine, a commonly used opioid, can be
given in doses of 10–25 mg intravenously or 25–50 mg intramuscularly, usually
up to a total of 100 mg. Maximal maternal and fetal respiratory depression is
seen in 10–20 min following intrave-nous administration and in 1–3 h following
intra-muscular administration. Consequently, meperidine is usually administered
early in labor when delivery is not expected for at least 4 h. Intravenous
fentanyl, 25–100 mcg/h, has also been used for labor. Fentanyl in 25–100 mcg
doses has a 3- to 10-min analgesic onset that initially lasts about 60 min, and
lasts longer following multiple doses. However, maternal respira-tory
depression outlasts the analgesia. Lower doses of fentanyl may be associated
with little or no neonatal respiratory depression and are reported to have no
effect on Apgar scores. Morphine is not used because in equianalgesic doses it
appears to cause greater respiratory depression in the fetus than meperidine
and fentanyl. Agents with mixed agonist–antagonist activity (butorphanol, 1–2 mg,
and nalbuphine, 10–20 mg intravenously or intramuscularly) are effective and
are associated with little or no cumu-lative respiratory depression, but
excessive sedation with repeat doses can be problematic.
Promethazine (25–50 mg intramuscularly) and
hydroxyzine (50–100 mg intramuscularly) can be useful alone or in combination
with meperidine. Both drugs reduce anxiety, opioid requirements, and the
incidence of nausea, but do not add appreciably to neonatal depression. A
significant disadvantage of hydroxyzine is pain at the injection site following
intramuscular administration. Nonsteroidal antiin-flammatory agents, such as
ketorolac, are not recom-mended because they suppress uterine contractions and
promote closure of the fetal ductus arteriosus.
Small doses (up to 2 mg) of midazolam (Versed) may be administered in
combination with a small dose of fentanyl (up to 100 mcg) in healthy
partu-rients at term to facilitate neuraxial blockade. At this dose, maternal
amnesia has not been observed. Chronic administration of the longer-acting
benzo-diazepine diazepam (Valium) has been associated with fetal depression.
Low-dose intravenous ketamine is a powerful
analgesic. In doses of 10–15 mg intravenously, good analgesia can be obtained
in 2–5 min without loss of consciousness. Unfortunately, fetal depression with
low Apgar scores is associated with doses greater than 1 mg/kg. Large boluses
of ketamine (>1 mg/kg) can be associated with hypertonic uterine contractions.
Low-dose ketamine is most useful just prior to deliv-ery or as an adjuvant to
regional anesthesia. Some cli-nicians avoid use of ketamine because it may
produce unpleasant psychotomimetic effects .
In the past, reduced concentrations of
volatile anesthetic agents (eg, methoxyflurane) in oxygen were sometimes used
for relief of milder labor pain. Inhalation of nitrous oxide–oxygen remains in
com-mon use for relief of mild labor pain in many coun-tries. As previously
noted, nitrous oxide has minimal effects on uterine blood flow or uterine
Pudendal nerve blocks are often combined with
perineal infiltration of local anesthetic to provide perineal anesthesia during
the second stage of labor when other forms of anesthesia are not employed or
prove to be inadequate. Paracervical plexus blocks are no longer used because
of their association with a relatively high rate of fetal bradycardia; the
close proximity of the injection site to the uterine artery may result in
uterine arterial vasoconstriction, uteroplacental insufficiency, and increased
levels of the local anesthetic in the fetal blood.
During a pudendal nerve block, a special
needle (Koback) or guide (Iowa trumpet) is used to place the needle
transvaginally underneath the ischial spine on each side ; the needle is advanced
1–1.5 cm through the sacrospinous liga-ment, and 10 mL of 1% lidocaine or 2%
chloropro-caine is injected following aspiration. The needle guide is used to
limit the depth of injection and protect the fetus and vagina from the needle.
Other potential complications include intravascular injec-tion, retroperitoneal
hematoma, and retropsoas or subgluteal abscess.
Epidural or intrathecal techniques, alone or
in com-bination, are currently the most popular methods of pain relief during
labor and delivery. They can pro-vide excellent analgesia while allowing the
mother to be awake and cooperative during labor. Although spinal opioids or
local anesthetics alone can provide satisfactory analgesia, techniques that
combine the two have proved to be the most satisfactory in mos parturients.
Moreover, the synergy between opioids and local anesthetics decreases doserequirements
and provides excellent analgesia with few maternal side effects and little or
no neonatal depression.
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