is a selective D1-receptor agonist that has many of the benefits of
DA but with little or no α-
β-adrenoceptor or D2-receptor agonist
activ-ity. Fenoldopam has been shown to exert hypoten-sive effects
characterized by a decrease in peripheral vascular resistance, along with an
increase in renal blood flow, diuresis, and natriuresis. It is indicated for
patients undergoing cardiac surgery and aortic aneu-rysm repair with potential
risk of perioperative renal impairment. Fenoldopam exerts an antihypertensive
effect, but helps to maintain renal blood flow. It is also indicated for
patients who have severe hypertension, particularly those with renal
impairment. Along with its recommended use in hypertensive emergencies,
fenoldopam is also indicated in the prevention of contrast media-induced
nephropathy. Fenoldopam has a fairly rapid onset of action and is easily titrat-able because of its
short elimination half-life. The ability of fenoldopam to “protect” the kidney
periop-eratively remains the subject of ongoing studies.
Fenoldopam is supplied in 1-, 2-, and
5-mL ampules, 10 mg/mL. It is started as a continuous infusion of 0.1
mcg/kg/min, increased by increments of 0.1 mcg/ kg/min at 15- to 20-min
intervals until target blood pressure is achieved. Lower doses have been
associ-ated with less reflex tachycardia.
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