Intramuscular and
subcutaneous injections are by far the most common means of parenteral drug
administra-tion. Because of the high tissue blood flow and the abil-ity of the
injected solution to diffuse laterally, drug ab-sorption generally is more
rapid after intramuscular than after subcutaneous injection. Drug absorption from
intramuscular and subcutaneous sites depends on the quantity and composition of
the connective tissue, the capillary density, and the rate of vascular
perfusion of the area. These factors can be influenced by the coin-jection of
agents that alter local blood flow (e.g., vaso-constrictors or vasodilators) or
by substances that de-crease tissue resistance to lateral diffusion (e.g.,
Advantages of the
intramuscular and subcutaneous routes include an increased reliability and
precision in the drug blood level finally achieved and reasonably rapid
absorption and onset of drug action. There are, however, serious disadvantages
as well. Pain, tender-ness, local tissue necrosis (primarily with highly
alkaline injections), microbial contamination, and nerve damage may be
associated with these forms of parenteral ad-ministration.
Intravenous drug
administration ensures immediate pharmacological response; problems of
absorption are circumvented because the entire quantity of drug enters the
vasculature directly. This route is also useful for compounds that are poorly
or erratically absorbed, are extremely irritating to tissues, or are rapidly
metabo-lized before or during their absorption from other sites. The rate of
injection should be slow enough, however, to prevent excessively high local
drug concentrations and to allow for termination of the injection if unde-sired
effects appear.
A serious disadvantage of
intravenous drug admin-istration becomes clearly apparent when an overdose is
inadvertently given: Neither can the drug be re-moved nor its absorption
retarded. Other disadvan-tages include the possibilities of embolism
(particu-larly if an insoluble drug is given), introduction of bacteria, and
when this route is used for prolonged pe-riods, subcutaneous tissue
infiltration. The possible in-troduction of the human immunodeficiency virus
(HIV) is a well-known consequence of intravenous drug administration in addicts
who use contaminated needles.
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