Types of
Jacks: A Registered Jack commonly
known as RJ is a network interface used for network cabling, wiring and jack
construction. The primary function of the registered jack is to connect
different data equipment and telecommunication devices. The commonly known
registered jacks are RJ- 11, RJ-45, RJ -21, and RJ-28. The registered jack
refers to the male physical connector (Plug), a female physical connector
(Jack) and it’s wiring. We will see some of the variety of registered jack
below with some definitions. See Figure 13.16
1. RJ-11: It is the most popular modern form of registered jack. It is found in home and office. This registered jack is mainly used in telephone and landlines. When we look at the pin details of the RJ-11, there are 6 pin where the two pins give the transmission configuration, the two pins give the receiver configuration and the other two pins will be kept for reserved. The two pin will have the positive terminal and the negative terminal.
2. RJ-14
and RJ-61: The RJ-14 is the same as RJ-11 which will be used for telephone lines which has 6
pins whereas the RJ-61 will have 8 pins.
This RJ-61 will use the twisted pair cable with a
modular 8 connection. See Figure 13.17
3. RJ-21:
The RJ-21
connector has 50 pins with 25 pins
at one end and 25 pins at the other end. It is also called as champ connector
or Amphenol connector. The Amphenol is a connector manufacturer. The RJ-21
interface is typically used for data communication trucking applications. See
Figure 13.18
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