Types and Declarations
1 Type Expressions
2 Type Equivalence
3 Declarations
4 Storage Layout for Local Names
5 Sequences of Declarations
6 Fields in Records and Classes
7 Exercises for Section 6.3
The applications of types can be grouped under
checking and translation:
• Type checking uses logical rules to reason
about the behavior of a program at
run time. Specifically, it ensures that the types of the operands match the
type expected by an operator. For example, the && operator in Java
expects its two operands to be booleans; the result is also of type boolean.
• Translation Applications. From the type of a name, a compiler can de-termine the storage that will
be needed for that name at run time. Type information is also needed to
calculate the address denoted by an array reference, to insert explicit type
conversions, and to choose the right ver-sion of an arithmetic operator, among
other things.
In this section, we examine types and storage
layout for names declared within a procedure or a class. The actual storage for
a procedure call or an object is allocated at run time, when the procedure is
called or the object is created. As we examine local declarations at compile
time, we can, however, lay out relative
addresses, where the relative address of a name or a component of a data
structure is an offset from the start of a data area.
1. Type Expressions
Types have structure, which we shall represent using type expressions: a type expression is
either a basic type or is formed by applying an operator called a type constructor to a type expression.
The sets of basic types and constructors depend
on the language to be checked.
Example 6 . 8 : The array type i n t [2] [3] can be read as "array
of 2 arrays of 3 integers each" and written as a type expression array(2,
array(3, integer)).
This type is represented by the tree in Fig. 6.14. The operator array
takes two parameters, a number and a type.
We shall use the following definition of type expressions:
• A basic type is a type
expression. Typical basic types for a language include boolean, char, integer, float, and void; the latter denotes "the absence of a value."
A type name is a type expression.
A type expression can be formed by applying the array type constructor
to a number and a type expression.
• A record is a data structure
with named fields. A type expression can be formed by applying the record type constructor to the field
names and their types. Record types will be implemented in Section 6.3.6 by
applying the constructor record to a
symbol table containing entries for the fields.
A type expression can be formed by using the type constructor —>• for
func-tion types. We write s —»• t for
"function from type s to type
r." Function types will be useful when type checking is discussed in
Section 6.5.
Type Names and Recursive Types
Once a class is defined, its name
can be used as a type name in C++ or
Java; for example, consider Node in the program fragment
p u b l i c class Node { • • • }
p u b l i c Node n;
Names can be used to define
recursive types, which are needed for data structures such as linked lists. The
pseudocode for a list element
class Cell {
int info; Cell next; ••• }
defines the recursive type Cell as a
class that contains a field i n f o and a field next of type Cell. Similar
recursive types can be defined in C using records and pointers. The techniques
in this chapter carry over to recursive types.
If s and t are type expressions, then their Cartesian product s x t
is a type expression. Products are introduced for completeness; they can be
used to represent a list or tuple of types (e.g., for function parameters). We
assume that x associates to the left and that it has higher precedence than
Type expressions may contain variables whose values are type
expressions. Compiler-generated type variables will be used in Section 6.5.4.
A convenient way to represent a type expression is
to use a graph. The value-number method of Section 6.1.2, can be adapted to
construct a dag for a type expression, with interior nodes for type
constructors and leaves for basic types, type names, and type variables; for
example, see the tree in Fig. 6.14.3
2. Type Equivalence
When are two type expressions equivalent? Many type-checking rules have
the form, "if two type expressions are equal t h e n return a certain type
else error." Potential ambiguities arise when names are given to type
expressions and the names are then used in subsequent type expressions. The key
issue is whether a name in a type expression stands for itself or whether it is
an abbreviation for another type expression.
3 Since type names denote type expressions, they can set up implicit
cycles; see the box on "Type Names and Recursive Types." If edges to
type names are redirected to the type expressions denoted by the names, then
the resulting graph can have cycles due to recursive types.
When type expressions are
represented by graphs, two types are structurally
equivalent if and only if one of the
following conditions is true:
They are the same basic type.
They are formed by applying the same constructor to structurally
equiv-alent types.
One is a type name that denotes the other.
If type names are treated as standing for
themselves, then the first two condi-tions in the above definition lead to name equivalence of type expressions.
Name-equivalent expressions are
assigned the same value number, if we use Algorithm 6.3. Structural equivalence
can be tested using the unification algo-rithm in Section 6.5.5.
3. Declarations
We shall study types and declarations using a simplified grammar that
declares just one name at a time; declarations with lists of names can be
handled as discussed in Example 5.10.
The grammar is
The fragment of the above grammar
that deals with basic and array types was used to illustrate inherited
attributes in Section 5.3.2. The
difference in this section is that we consider storage layout as well as types.
Nonterminal D generates a sequence of declarations. Nonterminal T gen-erates basic, array, or record
types. Nonterminal B generates one of
the basic types int and float. Nonterminal C, for "component,"
generates strings of zero or more integers, each integer surrounded by
brackets. An array type con-sists of a basic type specified by B, followed by array components
specified by nonterminal C. A record
type (the second production for T) is
a sequence of declarations for the fields of the record, all surrounded by
curly braces.
4. Storage Layout for Local Names
From the type of a name, we can determine the amount of storage that
will be needed for the name at run time. At compile time, we can use these
amounts to assign each name a relative address. The type and relative address
are saved in the symbol-table entry for the name. Data of varying length, such
as strings, or data whose size cannot be determined until run time, such as
dynamic arrays, is handled by reserving a known fixed amount of storage for a
pointer to the data. Run-time storage management is discussed in Chapter 7.
Address Alignment
The storage layout for data objects is strongly influenced by the
address-ing constraints of the target machine. For example, instructions to add
integers may expect integers to be aligned,
that is, placed at certain posi-tions in memory such as an address divisible by
4. Although an array of ten characters needs only enough bytes to hold ten
characters, a compiler may therefore allocate 12 bytes — the next multiple of 4
— leaving 2 bytes unused. Space left unused due to alignment considerations is
referred to as padding. When space is
at a premium, a compiler may pack data
so that no padding is left;
additional instructions may then need to be executed at run time to position
packed data so that it can be operated on as if it were properly aligned.
Suppose that storage comes in
blocks of contiguous bytes, where a byte is the smallest unit of addressable
memory. Typically, a byte is eight bits, and some number of bytes form a
machine word. Multibyte objects are stored in consecutive bytes and given the
address of the first byte.
The width of a type is the number of storage units needed for objects
of that type. A basic type, such as a character, integer, or float, requires an
integral number of bytes. For easy access, storage for aggregates such as
arrays and classes is allocated in one contiguous block of bytes.4
The translation scheme (SDT) in
Fig. 6.15 computes types and their widths for basic and array types; record
types will be discussed in Section 6.3.6. The SDT uses synthesized attributes type and width for each nonterminal and two variables t and w to pass type and
width information from a B node in a
parse tree to the node for the production C
—> e. In a syntax-directed definition, t and w would be
inherited attributes for C.
The body of the T-production consists of nonterminal B, an action, and
nonterminal C, which appears on the next line. The action between B and C sets
t to B.type and w to B. width. If B —>• int then B.type is set to integer
and B.width is set to 4, the width of an integer. Similarly, if B -+ float then
B.type is float and B.width is 8, the width of a float.
The productions for C determine whether T generates a basic type or an
array type. If C —>• e, then t becomes C.type and w becomes C. width.
Otherwise, C specifies an array component. The action for C —> [ n u
m ] C1 forms C.type by applying the type constructor array to the operands
num.value and C1.type. For instance, the result of applying array might be a
tree structure such as Fig. 6.14.
The width of an array is obtained by multiplying the width of an element
by the number of elements in the array. If addresses of consecutive integers
differ by 4, then address calculations for an array of integers will include
multiplications by 4. Such multiplications provide opportunities for
optimization, so it is helpful for the front end to make them explicit. In this
chapter, we ignore other machine dependencies such as the alignment of data
objects on word boundaries.
Example 6.9 : The parse tree for the type i n t [2] [3] is shown by
dotted lines in Fig. 6.16. The solid lines show how the type and width are
passed from B, down the chain of C's through variables t and w, and then back
up the chain as synthesized attributes type and width. The variables t and w
are assigned the values of B.type and B.width, respectively, before the subtree
with the C nodes is examined. The values of t and w are used at the node for C
—> e to start the evaluation of the synthesized attributes up the chain of C
5. Sequences of Declarations
Languages such as C and Java
allow all the declarations in a single procedure to be processed as a group.
The declarations may be distributed within a Java procedure, but they can still
be processed when the procedure is analyzed. Therefore, we can use a variable,
say offset, to keep track of the next
available relative address.
The translation scheme of Fig. 6.17 deals with a sequence of
declarations of the form T id, where T generates a type as in Fig. 6.15. Before the first declaration is
considered, offset is set to 0. As
each new name x is seen, x is entered into the symbol table with
its relative address set to the current value of offset, which is then
incremented by the width of the type
of x.
The semantic action within the production D —> T id ; D1 creates a symboltable entry
by executing top.put(id.lexeme, T.type, offset). Here
top denotes the current symbol
table. The method top.put creates a symbol-table entry for id.lexeme, with type
T.type and relative address offset in its data area.
The initialization of offset in Fig. 6.17 is more evident if the first
production appears on one line as:
Nonterminals generating e, called marker nonterminals, can be used to
rewrite productions so that all actions appear at the ends of right sides; see
Sec-tion 5.5.4. Using a marker nonterminal M, (6.1) can be restated as:
3. Fields in Records and Classes
The translation of declarations in Fig. 6.17 carries over to fields in
records and classes. Record types can be added to the grammar in Fig. 6.15 by
adding the following production
The fields in this record type are specified by the sequence of
declarations generated by D. The
approach of Fig. 6.17 can be used to determine the types and relative addresses
of fields, provided we are careful about two things:
The field names within a record must be distinct; that is, a name may
appear at most once in the declarations generated by D.
The offset or relative address for a field name is relative to the data
area for that record.
Example 6.10: The use of a name
x for a field within a record does
not conflict with other uses of the name outside the record. Thus, the three uses of x in the following
declarations are distinct and do not conflict
with each other:
float x ;
record { float x; float
y; } p;
record { int tag ;float x; float y; } q;
A subsequent assignment x = p. x
+ q. x; sets variable x to the sum of the fields named x in the records p and
q. Note that the relative address of x in p differs from the relative address
of x in q. •
For convenience, record types
will encode both the types and relative ad-dresses of their fields, using a
symbol table for the record type. A record type has the form record(t), where record is the type constructor, and i i s a symbol- table object
that holds information about the fields of this record type.
The translation scheme in Fig. 6.18 consists of a single production to
be added to the productions for T in
Fig. 6.15. This production has two semantic actions. The embedded action before
D saves the existing symbol table,
denoted by top and sets top to a fresh symbol table. It also
saves the current offset, and sets offset to 0. The declarations generated
by D will result in types and
relative addresses being put in the fresh symbol table. The action after D creates a record type using top,
before restoring the saved symbol table and offset.
For concreteness, the actions in Fig. 6.18 give
pseudocode for a specific im-plementation. Let class Env implement symbol tables. The call Env.push(top) pushes the current symbol table denoted by top onto a stack. Variable top is then set to a new symbol table.
Similarly, offset is pushed onto a
stack called Stack. Variable offset is then set to 0.
After the declarations in D have been translated, the symbol table
top holds the types and relative
addresses of the fields in this record. Further, offset gives the storage needed for all the fields. The second
action sets T.type to record(top) and T. width to offset
Variables top and offset are then restored to their pushed
values to complete the translation of this record type.
This discussion of storage for
record types carries over to classes, since no storage is reserved for methods.
See Exercise 6.3.2.
7. Exercises for Section 6.3
Exercise 6 . 3 . 1 :
Determine the types and relative addresses for the identifiers in the following
sequence of declarations:
float x;
{ float x; float y; } p;
record { int tag;
float x; float y; } q;
Exercise 6.3.2 : Extend the
handling of field names in Fig. 6.18 to classes and single-inheritance class
Give an implementation of class Env
that allows linked symbol tables, so that a subclass can either redefine a
field name or refer directly to a field name in a superclass.
Give a translation scheme that allocates a contiguous data area for the
fields in a class, including inherited fields. Inherited fields must maintain the
relative addresses they were assigned in the layout for the superclass.
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