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Chapter: Digital Electronics : Minimization Techniques and Logic Gates

TTL Family of ICS

The TTL NAND gate is broken up into three basic sections: multiemitter input, control section, and totem-pole output stage.



The TTL NAND gate is broken up into three basic sections: multiemitter input, control section, and totem-pole output stage. In the multiemitter input section, a multiemitter bipolar transistor Q1 acts like a two-input ANDgate, while diodesD1 andD2 act as negative clamping diodes used to protect the inputs from any short-term negative input voltages that could damage the ransistor. Q2 provides control and current boosting to the totem-pole output stage; when the output is high (1), Q4 is off (open) and Q3 is on (short).When the output is low (0), Q4 is on and Q3 is off. Because one or the other transistor is always off, the current flow from VCC to ground in that section of the circuit is minimized. The lower figures show both a high and low output state, along with the approximate voltages present at various locations.

Notice that the actual output voltages are not exactly 0 or +5V—a result of internal voltage drops across resistor, transistor, and diode. Instead, the outputs are around 3.4V for high and 0.3V for low. As a note, to create, say, an eight-input NAND gate, the multiemitter input transistor would have eight emitters instead of just two as shown.

A simple modification to the standard TTL series was made early on by reducing all the internal resistor values in order to reduce the RC time constants and thus increase the speed (reduce propagation delays). This improvement to the original TTL series marked the 74H series. Although the 74H series offered improved speed (about twice as fast) over the 74 series, it had more than double the power consumption. Later, the 74L series emerged. Unlike the 74H, the 74L took the 74 and increased all internal resistances. The net effect lead to a reduction in power but increased propagation delay. A significant improvement in speed within the TTL line emerged with the development of the 74Sxx series (Schottky TTL series). The key modifications involved placing Schottky diodes across the base-to-collector junctions of the transistors. These Schottky diodes eliminated capacitive effects caused by charge buildup in the transistor’s base region by passing the charge to the collector region.


Schottky diodes were the best choice because of their inherent low charge buildup characteristics. The overall effect was an increase in speed by a factor of 5 and only a doubling in power. Continually over time, by using different integration techniques and increasing the values of the internal resistors, more power-efficient series emerged, like the lowpower Schottky 74LS series, with about one-third the power dissipation of the 74S. After the 74LS, the advanced-low-power Schottky 74ALS series emerged, which had even better performance. Another series developed around this time was the 74F series, or FAST logic, which used a new process of integration called oxide isolation (also used in the ALS series) that led to reduced propagation delays and decreased the overall size.


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