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Chapter: Biology: Practical Botany

Study of the Structure of a Flowering Plant

Requirements: A small plant with flowers, fruits, leaves and roots (e.g. amustard plant); forceps, simple microscope or magnifying lens.



Requirements: A small plant with flowers, fruits, leaves and roots (e.g. amustard plant); forceps, simple microscope or magnifying lens.


Observation method: Take the plant in hand and observe it minutely. Usesimple microscope or magnifying lens for observing the flower, if necessary. From the characteristics given below, pick up those characters, which correspond with your specimen and write in your notebook.


Root: Fibrous root/Taproot.


Stem: Triangular/Quadrangular/more or less Cylindrical; smooth/ hairy/spiny.


Leaves: Simple/Compound, Petiolate/sessile; each node contain 1/2/ more;principal vain 1/more; venation Reticulate/Parallel.


Flower: Solitary/in inflorescence; Axilliary/terminal on the shoot apex; Pedicelate/sessile.


Calyx: Sepals 4/5/; free/united; green/coloured; all alike/not alike.Corolla: Petal 3/4/5; free/united, white/yellow/violet/pink/blue/other colour; all alike/ all not alike.


Androecium: Stamen 4/5/6, free/ united, epipetalous/ not epipetalous, equal insize/unequal; anther present/ absent.


Gynoecium: Carpelpresent/carpel absent; ovary1/morethan one, style1/2/more; stigma 1/more than one; ovary below/above calyx and corolla.


Fruit: Present/absent, if present fleshy/dry, dehiscent/indehiscent.


Comment on the following:


 Whether the plant is a monocot or dicot plant?

: Dicot plant

Whether the flower is unisexual or bisexual?

: Bisexual.

Whether the flower is hypogynous or epigynous?

: Hypogynous

Whether the flower is actinomorphic or zygomorphic?

: Actinomorphic

The bold words are applicable for Mustard plant.


Study Material, Lecturing Notes, Assignment, Reference, Wiki description explanation, brief detail
Biology: Practical Botany : Study of the Structure of a Flowering Plant |

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