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Chapter: Biology: Practical Botany

Study of the Structural Features of Different Plant Groups

Spirogyra, Agaricus, Moss, Fern, Cycas, Coconut, and Peyara (Psidium) these are plants of different groups. Their structural features are not alike.



Spirogyra, Agaricus, Moss, Fern, Cycas, Coconut, and Peyara (Psidium) these are plants of different groups. Their structural features are not alike. The teacher should show these plants to the students. Student will observe these carefully and then the following table should be filled up. The first column is filled up.

To  cut  longitudinal  section  of  a  Datura flower and to draw labelled diagram afteridentification of different parts.


Take a Datura flower. Cut the flower longitudinally (vertically). Identify its different parts. Draw a labelled diagram in your notebook and show it to the teacher.


Observation of  Different Types of Flowers

Collect plant specimens from your surroundings and fill up the following Table according to your specimen:


Table according to your specimen :

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Biology: Practical Botany : Study of the Structural Features of Different Plant Groups |

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