Home | Stomatitis, Parotitis, Dental caries : Types, Diagnosis, management, Complications

Chapter: 11th 12th std standard Class Nursing Health Care Hospital Hygiene Higher secondary school College Notes

Stomatitis, Parotitis, Dental caries : Types, Diagnosis, management, Complications

Stomatitis is an inflammation of the mouth. It is inflammation of parotid gland. It is the most common inflammatory condition of the salivary gland. Dental caries or tooth decay is an erosive process, that results from the action of bacteria on fermentable carbohydrates which in turns produce acid that dissolves tooth enamel.



Stomatitis is an inflammation of the mouth.




Inflammation of the tongue.




Caused by


1.     Drugs : Eg : Barbiturates.


2.     Infections with pathogenic organisms.


3.     Mechanical trauma.


4.     Irritants.


5.     Nutritional disorders.


Signs and symptoms:


1.     Swelling of the mucous  membrane.


2.     Increased  salivation.


3.     Pain.


4.     Halitosis (fetid odor of the breath).


5.     Elevation of temperature - occasionally.




By physical examinations.




There is no specific treatment and only symptomatic management.


 Mild  alkaline  mouthwash  (saline rinse)


1.     oral hygiene.


2.     improve  nutrition and  increase fluid intake


3.     cessation of smoking


local anesthetics  may relieve pain.





It is inflammation of parotid gland. It is the most common inflammatory condition of the salivary gland.






1.     Poor oral hygiene.


2.     Acutely ill, debilitated people with decreased salivary flow due to dehydration or medication.


3.     If affects mostly elderly patient


4.     Staphylococcus infection.


Signs and symptoms:


1.     Fever.


2.     Pain felt in ears.


3.     Swelling of parotid gland


4.     Absence of salivation


5.     Sometime purulent exudates from the duct of gland.




Medical management:


1.     Antibiotics are often given.


2.     Analgesics  are given to control pain.


Nursing management:


1.     Warm or cold compress may be applied externally to make the patient more comfortable.


2.     Mouth wash


3.     Increases fluid intake and  adequate  nutrition.


Dental caries:


Dental caries or tooth decay is an erosive process, that results from the action of bacteria on fermentable carbohydrates which in turns produce acid that dissolves tooth enamel.




The major cause of dental decay is bacteria, nourished by food particles, left on the teeth as a result of faulty brushing.

Signs and symptoms:


1.     Soreness of gum


2.     Teeth pain


3.     Cavity formation




1.     Proper brushing techniques to prevent tooth decay and mouth wash with fluoridated water.


2.     Periodical dental check up twice a year.


3.     Health Education to avoid chocolates, pans smoking cigarettes, etc.


4.     Mouth wash and brushing to be done before going to bed, and in the morning, after eating.


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11th 12th std standard Class Nursing Health Care Hospital Hygiene Higher secondary school College Notes : Stomatitis, Parotitis, Dental caries : Types, Diagnosis, management, Complications |

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