Silk Fabrics
Silk is a luxurious and sensuous fabric that has been coveted for
centuries. Silk, which originates from the cocoons of silkworms, is also the
strongest natural fibre. The slippery and smooth texture of this fabric poses
some difficulties that require special care when sewing. There are simple
techniques to make silk easier to handle and sew for every stage of a handmade
sewing project.
Wash your silk in warm (hot) water using a special washing
detergent for delicates.
Hand washing is preferred but machine washing on delicate cycle is
also acceptable. Many silk pursuits claim that the best thing to wash silk is
shampoo. While washing silk, rub, twist bringing or scrunching. Rinse should be
done fabric several times in cold water. If silk is rinsed in vinegar solution
the colours will look brighter and the surface will look brighter and shine.
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