The Paraphilias
A paraphilia is a disorder of intention, the final component of sexual
identity to develop in children and adolescents. Inten-tion refers to what
individuals want to do with a sexual partner and what they want the partner to
do with them during sexual behavior. Normally, the images and the behaviors of
intention fall within ranges of peaceable mutuality. The disorders of
in-tention are recognized by unusual eroticism (images) and often socially
destructive behaviors such as sex with children, rape, exhibitionism,
voyeurism, masochism, obscene phone calling, or sexual touching of strangers.
While 5% of the diagnoses of paraphilia are given to women, etiologic
speculations refer to male sexual identity development gone awry. This raises
the im-portant question about what happens to girls who have the
samedevelopmental misfortunes that are speculated to create male paraphilia.
Accounts of paraphilic behaviors have been in the nonmedical literatures for
Now it is
apparent that paraphilias occur among individuals of all orientations and among
those with conventional and uncon-ventional gender identities. A homosexual
sadist is paraphilic only on the basis of sexual cruelty. A transsexual who
desires to be beaten during arousal is paraphilic only on the basis of
intentions that are not longstanding, unusual, and highly arousing may be
problematic in some way but they are not clearly paraphilic. The sine qua non of the
diagnosis of paraphilia is unu-sual, often hostile, dehumanized eroticism which
has preoccupied the patient for most of his adolescent and adult life. The
paraphilic fantasy is often associated with this preoccupying arousal when it
occurs in daydreams and masturbation reveries or is encountered in explicit
films or magazines. The specific imagery varies from one paraphilic patient to
the next, but both the imagined behavior and its implied relationship to the
partner are unusual in that they are preoccupied with aggression. Images of
rape, obscene phone calling, exhibitionism and touching of strangers, for
example, are rehearsals of victimization. In masochistic images, the aggression
is directed at the self, for instance, autoerotic strangulation, slav-ery,
torture, spanking. In others, the aggression is well-disguised as love of
children or teenagers. In some, such as simple clothing fetishism, the
aggression may be absent. Aggression is so appar-ent in most paraphilic
content, however, that when none seems to exist, the clinician needs to wonder
whether it is actually absent or being hidden from the doctor. Paraphilic
fantasies often rely heav-ily upon the image of a partner who does not possess
“person-hood”. Some imagery in fact has no pretense of a human partner at all;
clothing, animals, or excretory products are the focus. Other themes such as
preoccupation with feet or hair, combine both hu-man and inanimate interests.
Paraphilic images are usually devoid of any pretense of caring or human
attachment. The hatred, anger, fear, vengeance, or worthlessness expressed in
them require no familiarity with the partner. Paraphilic images are conscious –
clearly known to the individual. They should not be confused with speculations
about “unconscious” aggression or sadomasochism that some assume are part of
all sexual behavior (Kernberg, 1991). Clinicians should expect occasionally to
see paraphilic patients whose preoccupations are not hostile to others.
An individual’s paraphilic themes often change in inten-sity or seem to
change in content from time to time. The stimuli for these changes often remain
unclear. It is a moot point whether changes should be considered a shift to a
different disorder, a new paraphilia, or a natural evolution of the basic
problem. The shifts from imagining talking “dirty” on the phone in order to
scare a woman to imagining raping can be considered an inten-sification of
sadism. Switches between sadism and masochism or voyeurism and exhibitionism
are common. Changes from vo-yeurism to pedophilia or from pedophilia to rape,
however, raise the question whether a new disorder has developed. The most
socially significant shifts are from erotic imagery to sexual be-havior. In
most instances, it is reasonable to consider that para-philia is a basic
developmental disorder in which particular erotic and sexual manifestations are
shaped by the individuality of the person’s history.
Most paraphilic adults can trace their fantasy themes to puberty and
many can remember these images from earlier years. When adolescent rapists or
incest offenders are evaluated, they often are able to report prepubertal
aggressive erotic preoccupa-tions. Men who report periodic paraphilic imagery
interspersed with more usual eroticism have had their paraphilic themes from
childhood or early adolescence. To make a diagnosis of para-philia, the patient
must evidence at least 6 months of the unusual erotic preoccupation. Duration
is usually not in question, even among adolescents, however (Shaw, 1999).
To be
paraphilic means that the erotic imagery exerts a pressure to play out the
often imagined scene. In its milder forms, the pressure results merely in a
preoccupation with a behavior. For instance, a man who prefers to be spoken to
harshly and domi-nated by his wife during sex thinks about his masochistic
images primarily around their sexual behaviors. He does not spend hours
daydreaming of his erotic preferences. In its more intense forms, paraphilias
create a drivenness to act
out the fantasy in sexual behavior – usually in masturbation. Frequent
masturbation, often more than once daily, continues long after adolescence. In
the most severe situations, the need to attend to the fantasy and mas-turbate
is so overpowering that life’s ordinary activities cannot efficiently occur.
Masturbation and sometimes partner-seeking behavior – such as finding a woman
to shock through exhibiting an erection – is experienced as driven. The patient
reports either that he cannot control his behavior or he controls it with such
great effort that his work, study, parenting and relationships are disrupted.
This pressure to behave sexually often leads the man to believe he has a high
sex drive. Some severe paraphilics describe their masturbation-to-orgasm
frequencies as 10/day. Even when the patient’s estimate of his frequency of
orgasm strains credu-lity less, the return of sexual drive manifestations so
soon after orgasm suggests that either something is wrong with the patients’
sexual drive generator, their satiety mechanisms, or that their existential
anxiety overpowers their other defense mechanisms.
Paraphilic men often report collecting and viewing por-nography,
visiting sexual book stores to see explicit videos or peep shows, frequenting
prostitutes for their special sexual be-haviors, downloading explicit images
from the Internet, or exten-sively using telephone sex services or strip clubs.
Victimization of others, the public health problem, is the least common form of
sexual acting out but it is by no means rare (Abel et al., 1987). When the behavioral diagnosis of exhibitionism,
pedophilia, or sadism is made, the clinician should assume that the numbers of
victims far exceed the number stated in the criminal charges.
Two other conditions, compulsive sexual behavior and sexual addiction
not part of the DSM-IV, are informally and syn-onymously used to refer to
heterosexual and homosexual men and women who display an intense drivenness to
behave sexu-ally without paraphilic imagery. The personal, interpersonal and
medical consequences of paraphilic and nonparaphilic sexual compulsivity seem indistinguishable
as do their usual psychiat-ric comorbidities: depression, anxiety disorders,
substance abuse and attention deficit disorders (Kafka and Prentky, 1998).
A severe sexual dysfunction involving desire, arousal, or or-gasm with a
partner, although not invariably, often is present among paraphilics (Pawlak,
1991). The wives of paraphilics tell stories with these themes: “He is not
interested in sex with me”. “He never initiates.” “He doesn’t seem to enjoy our
sexual life together except when . …” “He is usually not potent.” “Even when we
do make love, he rarely ejaculates.” Some paraphilic men however are able to
function well without paraphilic fan-tasies but others are either able
primarily to function when their partners are willing to meet their special
requirements for arousal or when they fantasize about their paraphilic script
(Abel, 1989).
Paraphilia has been considered in 15 somewhat different ways, depending
on era, ideology and region: 1) an impairment in the bonding function of
sexuality; 2) a courtship disorder; 3) the erotic form of hatred motivated by
the need for revenge for childhood trauma; 4) a fixation to childhood
misunderstandings that women had penises and that men could lose theirs during
sex (castration anxiety); 5) the unsuccessful repair of early life passive,
helpless experiences with a terrifying, malignant, malicious preoedipal mother;
6) a strategy to stabilize a conventional masculine or feminine gender
identity; 7) a strategy to deny the differences between the sexes and the
generations of child and parent; 8) an outcome of childhood sexual abuse; 9) a
consequence of far less than ideal parent–child relationships; 10) a soft
neurological sign of a neural wiring defect; 11) a released behavior due to
cerebral pathology, for example, temporal lobe dysfunction, or substance abuse;
12) the sexual face of an addiction disorder; 13) an unusual manifestation of
an affective disorder; 14) an obsessive–compul-sive spectrum disorder; 15) a
defective self-system requiring a patch – that is, a sexual preoccupation – to
shore up the private, carefully-hidden-from-others sense of inadequate
subjective masculinity.
Whatever its ultimate etiologies and nature, the paraphilias are sexual
identity disorders that generally make normal erotic and sexual loving
unattainable. Culture asks us to have some im-age of attachment, some ability
to neutralize anger toward oth-ers, some ability to contain the anxiety over
closeness, and some psychological motive simultaneously to enhance the self and
the partner through sexual contact. Ordinary intentions aim for peaceable
mutuality between real people; paraphilic ones aim at aggressive one-sidedness.
This sexual identity disorder could be referred to as a disorder of self,
specifically of that part of the self that maintains a sense of masculinity.
Paraphilics often bear an enigmatic paradox between what they want to be and
what they are. They often hunger for a behavior which feels uncontrollable or
sick and which robs them of autonomy. This is why the behav-iors are often
thought of as addictions and are often associated with other forms of substance
abuse, obsessive–compulsive phe-nomena and affective symptoms. Relative to the
dynamic fluc-tuations of sexual dysfunctions, intention disorders are tenacious
throughout life.
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