(“hard skin”) is a relatively rare disease that is poorly understood; the cause
is unknown. Its incidence is 18 to 20 per-sons per million per year (Ruddy et
al., 2001).
Like other diffuse connective tissue diseases,
scleroderma (also known as systemic sclerosis) has a variable course with
remissions and exacerbations. Its prognosis is not as optimistic as that of
SLE. The disease commonly begins with skin involvement. Mononuclear cells
cluster on the skin and stimulate lymphokines to stimulate procollagen.
Insoluble collagen is formed and accu-mulates excessively in the tissues.
Initially, the inflammatory re-sponse causes edema formation, with a resulting
taut, smooth, and shiny skin appearance. The skin then undergoes fibrotic
changes, leading to loss of elasticity and movement. Eventually, the tissue
degenerates and becomes nonfunctional. This chain of events, from inflammation
to degeneration, also occurs in blood vessels, major organs, and body systems
(Klippel, 2001).
Scleroderma starts insidiously with Raynaud’s
phenomenon and swelling in the hands. The skin and the subcutaneous tissues
be-come increasingly hard and rigid and cannot be pinched up from the
underlying structures. Wrinkles and lines are obliterated. The skin is dry
because sweat secretion over the involved region is sup-pressed. The
extremities stiffen and lose mobility. The condition
spreads slowly; for years, these changes may remain localized in the hands and
the feet. The face appears masklike, immobile, and expressionless, and the
mouth becomes rigid.
changes within the body, although not visible directly, are vastly more
important than the visible changes. The left ventricle of the heart is
involved, resulting in heart failure. The esophagus hardens, interfering with
swallowing. The lungs become scarred, impeding respiration. Digestive
disturbances occur because of hardening (sclerosing) of the intestinal mucosa.
Progressive renal failure may occur.
The patient may manifest a variety of symptoms
referred to as the CREST syndrome. CREST stands for calcinosis (calcium
de-posits in the tissues), Raynaud’s phenomenon, esophageal harden-ing and
dysfunctioning, sclerodactyly (scleroderma of the digits), and telangiectasis
(capillary dilation that forms a vascular lesion).
focuses on the sclerotic changes in the skin, contrac-tures in the fingers, and
color changes or lesions in the fingertips. Assessment of systemic involvement
requires a systems review with special attention to gastrointestinal,
pulmonary, renal, and cardiac symptoms. Limitations in mobility and self-care
activities should be assessed, along with the impact the disease has had (or
will have) on body image.
There is no one conclusive test to diagnose
scleroderma. A skin biopsy is performed to identify cellular changes specific
to sclero-derma. Pulmonary studies show ventilation-perfusion abnormal-ities.
Echocardiography identifies pericardial effusion (often present with cardiac
involvement). Esophageal studies demonstrate de-creased motility in 75% of
patients with scleroderma. Blood tests may detect antinuclear antibodies,
indicating a connective tissue disorder and possibly distinguishing the
subgroup of scleroderma. A positive antinuclear antibody test result is common
in patients with scleroderma.
of scleroderma depends on the clinical manifestations. All patients require
counseling, during which realistic individual goals may be determined. Support
measures include strategies to decrease pain and limit disability. A moderate
exercise program is encouraged to prevent joint contractures. Patients are
advised to avoid extreme temperatures and to use lotion to minimize skin
No medication regimen has proved effective in
modifying the dis-ease process in scleroderma, but various medications are used
to treat organ system involvement. Calcium channel blockers and other
antihypertensive agents may provide improvement in symp-toms of Raynaud’s
phenomenon. Anti-inflammatory medications can be used to control arthralgia,
stiffness, and general musculo-skeletal discomfort (Klippel, 2001;
Ramsey-Goldman, 2001).
The nursing care of the patient with scleroderma is
based on the basic plan of nursing care presented earlier. The most common
nursing diagnoses of the patient with scleroderma in-clude impaired skin
integrity; self-care deficits; imbalanced nu-trition, less than body
requirements; and disturbed body image. The patient with advanced disease may
also have problems with impaired gas exchange, decreased cardiac output,
impaired swal-lowing, and constipation.
meticulous skin care and preventing the effects of Raynaud’s phenomenon are
major nursing challenges. Patient teaching must include the importance of
avoiding cold and pro-tecting the fingers with mittens in cold weather and when
shop-ping in the frozen-food section of the grocery store. Warm socks and
properly fitting shoes are helpful in preventing ulcers. Care-ful, frequent
inspection for early ulcers is important. Smoking cessation is critical.
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