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Chapter: Distributed Systems : Communication in Distributed System

Remote Procedure Call

client: "stub" instead of "proxy" (same function, different names)

Remote Procedure Call


–       client: "stub" instead of "proxy" (same function, different names)

o   local call, marshal arguments, communicate the request

–       •server:

o   dispatcher

o   "stub": unmarshal arguments, communicate the results back


Role of client and server stub procedures in RPC in the context of a procedural language


Case Study: Sun RPC

–       •Sun RPC: client-server in the SUN NFS (network file system)

o   UDP or TCP; in other unix OS as well

o   Also called ONC (Open Network Computing) RPC

–       •Interface Definition Language (IDL)

o   initially XDR is for data representation, extended to be IDL


o   less modern than CORBA IDL and Java



–       program numbers instead of interface names

–       procedure numbers instead of procedure names

–       single input parameter (structs)

o   rpcgen: compiler for XDR

o   client stub; server main procedure, dispatcher, and server stub

–       XDR marshalling, unmarshaling


–       •Binding (registry) via a local binder - portmapper

o   Server registers its program/version/port numbers with portmapper


o   Client contacts the portmapper at a fixed port with program/version numbers to get the server port


o   Different instances of the same service can be run on different computers at different ports


–       •Authentication

o   request and reply have additional fields

o   unix style (uid, gid), shared key for signing, Kerberos


 Files interface in Sun XDR



Events and Notifications


–       •Idea behind the use of events

o   One object can react to a change occurring in another object

–       •Events

o   Notifications of events: objects that represent events

o   asynchronous and determined by receivers what events are interested

o   event types

o   each type has attributes (information in it)


o   subscription filtering: focus on certain values in the attributes (e.g. "buy" events, but only "buy car" events)


–       •Publish-subscribe paradigm

–       publish events to send

–       subscribe events to receive


–       •Main characteristics in distributed event-based systems


o   Heterogeneous: a way to standardize communication in heterogeneous systems


–       not designed to communicate directly

o   Asynchronous: notifications are sent asynchronously

–       no need for a publisher to wait for each subscriber--subscribers come and go


Dealing room system: allow dealers using computers to see the latest information about the market prices of the stocks they deal in


Distributed Event Notification


–       Distributed event notification

o   decouple publishers from subscribers via an event service (manager)

–       Architecture: roles of participating objects

o   object of interest (usually changes in states are interesting)

o   event

o   notification

o   subscriber

o   observer object (proxy) [reduce work on the object of interest]

–       •forwarding

–       filtering of events types and content/attributes

–       patterns of events (occurrence of multiple events, not just one)

–       mailboxes (notifications in batch es, subscriber might not be ready)

o   publisher (object of interest or observer object)


–       generates event notifications


Example: Distributed Event Notification


–       •Three cases


o   Inside object without an observer: send notifications directly to the subscribers

o   Inside object with an observer: send notification via the observer to the subscribers

o   Outside object (with an observer)

o   An observer queries the object of interest in order to discover when events occur

o   The observer sends notifications to the subscribers


Case Study: Jini Distributed Event Specification


–       –Allow a potential subscriber in one Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to subscribe to and receive notifications of events in an objectof interest in another JVM


–       Main objects

–       event generators (publishers)

–       remote event listeners (subscribers)

–       remote events (events)

–       third-party agents (observers)


–       An object subscribes to events by informing the event generator about the type of event and specifying a remote event listener as the target for notification


Study Material, Lecturing Notes, Assignment, Reference, Wiki description explanation, brief detail
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