You have learnt note-making in class XI. The following tasks are for strengthening this skill.
1. Give a title to the passage (main idea).
2. Pick out the key points which extend the title idea (supporting ideas).
3. Pick out points, if any, which substantiate the supporting ideas (supporting details).
4. Condense the points using relevant phrases, abbreviations, acronyms, etc.
5. Pick out the concluding idea in the passage.
6. Organise the points and number them in the following format:
To match the best cities across the world, the Government of India initiated ‘smart cities’ to drive economic growth and improve the quality of life of people. The agenda under smart city promises to resolve urban sustainability problems. Urban forests provide a range of important ecosystem services that are critical for the sustainability of cities. Urban forestry, which is defined more as ‘Management of Trees’ contributes to the physiological, sociological and economic well-being of the society. Mangroves, lakes, grasslands, and forests in and around our cities, act as sponges that absorb the air and noise pollution and they present themselves as our cultural and recreational hotspots. However, these spots are rapidly being reclaimed and replaced in the name of development. Presence of urban green has shown to increase the economic value of the place.
Urban forests contribute to reduce the cost of building storm water drain systems for municipalities and neutralizing urban heat island effect. Plants not only provide shade but also help in regulating the micro-climate. They help regulate energy budgets, improve air quality, and curtail noise pollution. Trees, herbs, shrubs and grasses arrest sedimentation and prevent other pollutants from entering our water systems. This will give a chance for our urban lakes and rivers to recover and help improve aquatic ecosystems. Biodiversity also gets a boost through the urban forests and helps create corridors connecting the forest areas. High biodiversity areas can also help to build resilient ecosystems. Availability of forests within our urban areas gives an opportunity for children to connect to the natural environment and learn about native species.
Smart Cities:
i) do drive economic growth
ii) improve the quality of life.
iii) resolve urban sustainability problems.
Urban forests:
i) provide ecosystem services as known as management of trees.
ii) contribute well-being of physiological, sociological and economical.
iii) Mangroves, lakes, grass lands, and forests in and around cities.
iv) increase the economical value.
i) provide shade and regulating the micro-climate.
ii) improve air quality and curtail noise pollution.
iii) prevent other pollutants.
i) create corridors connecting the forest area.
ii) build resilient ecosystems.
iii) children connect the natural environment.
iv) learn about native species.
Moral: Urban forest make smart cities.
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