That Sunday Morning
A. Answer the following questions.
1. How does Patna differ from Delhi?
There are imposing buildings or monuments in Delhi. We
cannot see such buildings in Patna.
2. What was the girl determined to do? Why?
The girl was determined to win the bike race because during
the previous races her brother was always the winner.
3. How did the cavalry officers look? What happened to them finally?
The cavalry officers were brilliant in appearance. Finally
the horses ran in different directions. One of the riders was thrown in a ditch.
4. Haughtily means proudly or having or shoving arrogant superiority.
Why did the girl reply haughtily?
Her brother laughed at her. The girl was afraid that he
would make fun of her. So she replied haughtily.
5. Were the girl and her brother friendly with each other?
Yes they were friendly with each other.
6. “I think it would be nice if we moved quickly from here.”
a. Who does ‘I’ refer to?
'I' refers to the brother.
b. Why did they want to move quickly from there?
The rider and the owner of the cow looked very angry. The
brother was afraid that they would be called in for a lot of explanations. So they
wanted to move quickly from there.
B. Think And Answer
1. Work in groups. Discuss and have a debate on life in bustling cities
and life in calm towns.
2. Imagine you are the girl and give a different ending to the story.
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