Donald W. Winnicott
Donald W. Winnicott was both a practicing
pediatrician and a psychoanalyst for most of his professional life. He worked
with many categories of patients – including regressed adults, disturbed and
delinquent adolescents, and problem children – and treated
mother–infant-toddler pairs. Working with such a diverse population of
patients, he experienced the deficiencies of both the libido and the structural
theories. The libido theory fo-cuses on drives and anergic concepts; the
structural theory con-centrates on oedipal development and, in Freud’s
formulation, places the “narcissistic neuroses” (i.e., the psychoses) in a
sepa-rate group without a framework for treatment. Although he found the
existing theories to be problematic, Winnicott attempted to fit his ideas
within them. He handled his disagreements with Freud’s ideas by reinterpreting
them to meet his need to deal with highly disturbed early relationships. For
example, he reworked the Oedipus complex to emphasize Klein’s conflict between
love and hate, rather than Freud’s conflict between instinctual de-sires and
fear of castration. (Winnicott acknowledged his debt to Klein, particularly
with reference to the depressive position; Winnicott, 1954–55). Another way in
which Winnicott reinter-preted Freudian theory was to focus on the central
function of an early maternal “holding environment”. This primacy of early
bonding contradicted Freud’s concept of “primary narcissism”, which held that
the infant is at first not oriented toward others and that relationships become
important only later, secondary to drive frustration.
Every individual, according to Winnicott (1960),
devel-ops true and false selves. Insofar as the mother is
empathically attuned to her child, without intruding on the child, there is a
core feeling of wholeness and goodness from which the true self develops. With
appropriate “mirroring”, the child learns to play, to be creative and to be
alone with comfort. Those developmen-tal achievements create the fundamental organizer, the true self
(at times also called the ego by
Winnicott). However, insofar as there is a mismatch in the relationship, the
child’s develop-ment is stunted, and the child develops a false self. In
healthy people, the false self is relatively minimal. It is represented by
politeness and social manners; however, in extreme states of illness, it may be
the main self-representation. A lifelong feel-ing of unreality and futility
results, with a severely unempathic mother, in Winnicott’s view. One positive
function of the false self is that it protects the nascent true self from a
damaging environment
Winnicott’s (1951) transitional object is a concrete, real external object (unlike the
intrapsychic objects that we have been discussing). It is the infant’s first
“not me” possession and is im-bued psychologically with attributes of both
mother and infant. The transitional object evolves out of activities occurring
in the “space” between infant and mother. These activities generally have close
links to the mouth or the mother’s body. For example, the child may at first
put a fist or thumb in the mouth or stroke the corner of a blanket. The blanket
gradually becomes special and essential to the child (the familiar security
blanket). A stuffed toy such as teddy bear or even a hard toy may become a
transitional object. This process is based on the facilitating, appropriate
re-sponse of the mother. The blanket may become smelly, yet it must not be
washed; and the teddy bear may become tattered, yet it must accompany the
toddler everywhere. The evolution of the transitional object is the precursor
of the child’s ability to play. As an intermediary object, the transitional
object also serves as a precursor of the ability to be alone. There is wide
variation as to when the transitional object develops, but it usually evolves
from about 4 to 12 months.
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