The word ‘protein’ is derived from the
Greek word protos meaning ‘first’. Protein is the basic chemical unit of
liv-ing organisms and is essential for nutri-tion, building of new tissues
(growth) and maintaining and repairing of those already built. Casein from
milk, albu-min in egg and gluten in wheat, are examples of proteins occurring
in foods.
Classification: The proteins are classi-fied
Complete proteins e.g. Egg proteins
Partially complete proteins e.g. wheat
Incomplete proteins e.g. Gelatin or zein
Functions: Proteins perform the
fol-lowing functions;
Necessary for growth
Wear and tear of human body is repaired
· For regular supply of raw materials for the
formation of digestive juices, hormones, plasma proteins, hemo-globin, vitamins
and enzymes.
Each gram of protein supplies 4 Kcal of energy
Food Sources: Animal foods like Meat, Fish, Eggs and Milk are excel-lent sources of Proteins.
Plant Sources like Pulses, Oil seeds and nuts are also good sources of Protein
Deficiency: Deficiency of protein causes protein energy malnutrition which covers a wide spectrum
of clini-cal stages ranging from the severe forms like kwashiorkor and marasmus
to the milder forms like growth retardation. Protein energy malnutrition is due
to “food gap” between the intake and requirement. The average energy deficit in
Indian children is 300kcal/day. Defi-ciency of protein is discussed in detail
in the section Protein energy malnutrition
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