Atherosclerosis is the
primary cause of coronary heart disease. Markedly lowering blood cholesterol
can halt and even reverse to some extent the progression of atherosclerosis.
For these reasons, prevention should be the goal, with the focus on decreasing
elevated blood cholesterol. About 20% of Americans between 20 and 75 years of
age have blood total cholesterol lev-els above 240 mg/dL, a level requiring
management, and up to 40% of some middle aged groups have this elevation.
Although hypercholesterolemias
are linked to spe-cific genetic mutations, most have a multifactorial basis
that can respond to lifestyle changes. Even though the physician is justified
in immediately prescribing a cholesterol-lowering drug to patients with very
high blood cholesterol and additional risk factors, strong ad-vice should also
be given on the need and benefits of adding life style changes. These changes
include reduc-tion of body weight; decreased dietary total fat, choles- terol,
saturated fatty acids, and trans fatty acids; and in-creased exercise and
stress management. In fact, a re-cent study employing intensive lifestyle
changes in pa-tients with coronary heart disease achieved a 37% lowering of LDL
(low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol, a 91% decline in anginal episodes, and a
decline in coro-nary artery stenosis within a year—all without drugs. A
prescription for lifestyle changes should accompany the one for a
hypocholesterolemic drug.
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