Preservation by Chemical Preservatives
Preservatives are chemical agents which serve
to retard, hinder or mask undesirable change in food. Preservatives help in
retaining the original quality of food and delaying their spoilage.
Preservatives are classified into class I and
class II preservative. Class I preservatives are available at home. Class II
preservatives are prepared in the industries.
Sulphur dioxide is the only permit-ted preservative used in the
form of sulphites.
In India, sodium benzoate, sulphites and sorbic acids are
permitted preser-vatives used in fruits and vegetables.
Dried fruits are treated with sul-phur dioxide to conserve the
colour and to prevent the growth of microorganisms.
Sodium benzoate is preferred to ben-zoic acid because of its
solubility and used in tomato ketchups, sauces, jams, jellies, pickles and
fruit juices.
Sorbic acid and its salts are effective against yeasts and moulds
but less effective against bacteria. They are good preservatives for foods with
high fat content e.g., low fat spreads and processed cheese.
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