Phytotechnology and
From a practical standpoint, phytotechnology is the use of plants
in environmental biotechnology applications, and draws on many of the
characteristics which have already been described. In this respect, it does not
represent a single unified technology, or even application, but rather is a
wider topic, defined solely by the effector organisms used.
Plants of one kind or
another can be instrumental in the biological treatment of a large number of
substances which present many different types of environmen-tal challenges.
Accordingly, they may be used to remediate industrial pollution, treat
effluents and wastewaters or solve problems of poor drainage or noise
nui-sance. The processes of bioaccumulation, phytoextraction,
phytostabilisation and rhizofiltration are collectively often referred to as
phytoremediation. Although it is sometimes useful to consider them separately,
in most functional respects, they are all aspects of the same fundamental plant
processes and hence there is much merit in viewing them as parts of a cohesive
whole, rather than as distinctly dif-ferent technologies. It is important to be
aware of this, particularly when reading a variety of other published accounts,
as the inevitable similarities between descrip-tions can sometimes lead to
confusion. Moreover, the role of phytotechnology
is not limited solely to phytoremediation
and this discussion, as explained above, is more deliberately inclusive of
wider plant-based activities and uses.
Despite the broad spectrum
of potential action exhibited by plants in this respect, there are really only
three basic mechanisms by which they achieve the purpose desired. In essence,
all phytotechnology centres on the removal and accumulation of unwanted
substances within the plant tissues themselves, their removal and subsequent
volatisation to atmosphere or the facilitation of in-soil treatment.
Plant-based treatments make use of natural cycles within the plant and its
environment and, clearly, to be effective, the right plant must be chosen.
Inevitably, the species selected must be appropriate for the climate, and it
must, obviously, be able to survive in contact with the contamination to be
able to accomplish its goal. It may also have a need to be able to encourage
localised microbial growth.
One of the major advantages
of phytotechnological interventions is their almost universal approval from
public and customer alike and a big part of the appeal lies in the aesthetics.
Healthy plants, often with flowers, makes the site look more attractive, and
helps the whole project be much more readily accepted by people who live or work
nearby. However, the single biggest factor in its favour is that plant-based
processes are frequently considerably cheaper than rival systems, so much so
that sometimes they are the only economically possible method.
Phy-toremediation is a particularly good example of this, especially when
substantial areas of land are involved. The costs involved in cleaning up
physically large contamination can be enormous and for land on which the
pollution is suitable and accessible for phytotreatment, the savings can be
very great. Part of the rea-son for this is that planting, sowing and
harvesting the relevant plants requires little more advanced technology or
specialised equipment than is readily at the disposal of the average farmer.
The varied nature of phytotechnology,
as has already been outlined, makes any attempt at formalisation inherently
artificial. However, for the purposes of this discussion, the topic will be
considered in two general sections, purely on the basis of whether the
applications themselves represent largely aquatic or terrestrial systems. The
reader is urged to bear in mind that this is merely a convenience and should be
accorded no particular additional importance beyond that.
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