Paroxysmal episodes: not epilepsy
Up to one-third of children
diagnosed with ‘epilepsy’ actually have non-epileptic events. In adolescents
presenting to emergency teams in ‘sta-tus epilepticus’, over half turn out to
have non-epileptic psychologically induced episodes. Think carefully about
other paroxysmal episodes (such as those described below) before diagnosing a
form of epilepsy and treat-ing the child with anticonvulsants.
It is best to consider the cause
of paroxysmal episodes according to the age of the child.
· Benign
neonatal sleep myoclonus: these
are single or repetitive episodes of
jerking of arms and legs (typically while falling asleep after a feed) and
sparing the face.
· Shuddering attacks.
· ‘Breath-holding
attacks’ and RAS: history
of suddenly going limp (or syncope),
which may be followed by clonic jerking (e.g. RAS). On closer questioning at
least 1 episode has been triggered by a noxious stimulus (e.g. banging head).
Typically, there is a short cry and then the child goes limp, collapses to
floor, and may have brief jerking movements. Other episodes are characterized
by ‘blue’ breath-holding where the child starts to cry for any reason, the
crying builds up, and then the child collapses to the floor at the end of
· Masturbation
and other gratification phenomena: when the child is
bored they indulge in self-stimulation. In girls, the legs are held
outstretched, and the eyes are glazed. Sweatiness almost invariably raises the
possibility of a tonic seizure and these episodes are commonly mistreated as
· Febrile
myoclonus: short
jerks associated with high fever.
· Benign
paroxysmal vertigo of childhood: acute onset of fear, nausea,
vertigo, and unsteadiness if forced to walk. Rarely, the child vomits and
they may have nystagmus.
· Benign
paroxysmal torticollis: acute
episodes of head tilt, similar to the nystagmus
seen in benign paroxysmal vertigo.
· Night
terrors: while in deep
sleep, about 1–2hr after bed, the child suddenly
wakes up and is inconsolable. This lasts some 10–20min and then child ‘wakes’,
looks confused, rolls over, and sleeps again.
This episode can appear very
similar to an absence seizure. However, the latter will occur at home during
activity as well as at school. Classical absences, as part of an idiopathic
generalized epilepsy, can be elicited on an EEG (taken during normal and sleep
deprived state) in over 95% of cases. They are short, associated with abrupt
psychomo-tor arrest and immediate resumption of activity, speech, and thought.
Absences as part of a focal
seizure disorder will only very rarely occur without some other suggestive
feature such as an automatism, abnormal movement, or postictal state.
·Also known as fainting.
·Occurs from age 7mths onwards.
There may well be a history of precipitating events (e.g. fright, head bang,
sudden standing, hair-brushing).
·Often the child has an aura of
loss of vision, tingling, and auditory phenomen, this is followed by loss of
consciousness and posture change: falls over if standing. Not all syncopal
events result in a loss of tone. In some, the fall is accompanied by increased
·Myoclonic jerks may follow for a
few seconds. Useful tools in diagnosis include: a history of a precipitant;
jerking lasting less than 20secs; and the movements may not be rhythmic.
·If in doubt assume that it is
syncope until there is evidence otherwise (see Psychologically determined
paroxysmal events (PDPE)).
Caution If there is a history of
sudden death in the family, or of syn-cope induced by sudden physical stress
such as exercise or sleep, long QT syndrome should be investigated.
This is a less pejorative term to
describe episodes of psychological origin that used to be described as hysteria,
and more recently as pseudosei-zures, malingering, factitious or conversion
disorders. The episodes are a psychological phenomenon, although identifying or
looking for the psy-chological causes at time of diagnosis can be misleading or
even counter-productive. There is no single event that will separate them from
epilepsy. Some children rarely may even have both.
· Events triggered by specific
· Events with convulsive movements
that are not explained anatomically, e.g. left arm jerking, then lull followed
by right leg
· Thrashing movements that wax and
wane, +/– pelvic thrusting
· Eyes open during the episode
· Slumping to the floor in a
dramatic manner. Falls without injury
· Violence, rather than violent
· Gain from the situation
· Generalized movements with rapid
return to normal
These features are not diagnostic.
There is no never or always. In partic-ular, young people can
injure themselves and pass urine in PDPE, which are often misreported as a
diagnostic feature of genuine seizures.
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