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Chapter: Paediatrics: Neurology

Paediatrics: Epilepsies: neonatal

Neonatal seizures are rarely part of a benign epilepsy syndrome, expert advice should be sought.

Epilepsies: neonatal


Neonatal seizures are rarely part of a benign epilepsy syndrome, expert advice should be sought.


·  They are more commonly a symptom of underlying, severe cerebral dysfunction.


·  Seizures are never generalized tonic–clonic seizures because the brain has not matured enough to produce synchronous epileptic activity.




·  History: is there a family history of similar convulsions with benign prognosis? Take a history for cerebral insults such as hypoxia-ischaemia. Is there a relevant family history, including consanguinity?

·  Examination: look for neurocutaneous stigmata and dysmorphic features.


·  Blood investigations: FBC; CRP; blood glucose; serum electrolytes (calcium and phosphate).


·  Lumbar puncture: CSF glucose, red blood cell count (RCC), and white cell count (WCC); CSF microscopy and growth culture; CSF lactate and glycine; CSF latex agglutin (group B streptococci).


Epileptic encephalopathy If no cause is evident consider the investiga-tions for epileptic encephalopathy. Follow advice of the biochemist for further investigation or management of relevant results


Drug treatment


·  Phenobarbital: treat by loading with 20mg/kg IV. Continue on 5mg/kg once daily for at least 2wks.

·  Pyridoxal phosphate 10mg/kg/qds PO: if the infant is unresponsive to Phenobarbital, treat with pyridoxal phosphate. If possible wait for 48hr to assess effect.


·  Clonazepam: if the pyridoxal phosphate has proved ineffective or the seizures continue to give the child significant cardiorespiratory compromise, commence infusion of IV clonazepam at 5micrograms/ kg/min increasing as seizures continue up to a maximum of 20micrograms/kg/min.


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