Cardiomyopathy may be primary, or
secondary to systemic or metabolic disease. Primary cardiomyopathy may be
classified as:
·dilated (congestive);
This condition is rare and
characterized by massive dilatation of the ven-tricles and cardiomegaly. The
cause is unknown in most cases, although it is seen in association with other
·post-viral infection phenomenon;
·metabolic (e.g. mitochondrial
·Insidious onset of progressive
congestive cardiac failure is common.
·The course is usually progressive
and the prognosis poor.
Mainly directed at treating heart
failure and, where possible, any underly-ing cause. Heart transplantation if
severe heart failure.
This condition is rare and
characterized by poor ventricular compliance and inadequate ventricular
filling. The clinical features are similar to con-strictive pericarditis. It is
sometimes seen in the Löffler hypere-osinophilic syndrome (multisystem disorder
of skin, lungs, nervous system, and liver) and results in endocardial fibrosis
of the AV valves and the ventricles. Prognosis is poor and cardiac
transplantation often required.
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