Other ichthyosiform disorders
ichthyotic skin changes are a minor part of a multisystem disease, but such
associations are very rare. Refsum’s syndrome, an
autosomal recessive trait, is caused by deficiency of a single enzyme
con-cerned in the breakdown of phytanic acid, which then accumulates in the
tissues. The other features (retinal degeneration, peripheral neuropathy and
ataxia) over-shadow the minor dryness of the skin.
Rud’s syndrome is an ichthyosiform
erythrodermain association with mental retardation and epilepsy. In Netherton’s syndrome,
brittle hairs, with a so-called‘bamboo deformity’, are present as well as a
curious gyrate and erythematous hyperkeratotic eruption (ichthyosis linearis
circumflexa). Other conditions are identified by confusing acronyms: IBIDS
(also known as trichothiodystrophy) stands for Ichthyosis, Brittle
hair, Impaired intelligence, Decreased fertility and Short stature; the KID syndrome
consists of Keratitis, Ichthyosis and Deafness.
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