Other Decisive Factors for the Rise of Nationalism
national movement dates its birth from the 1857 uprising. The outrages
committed by the British army after putting down the revolt remained
“un-avenged”. Even the court-martial law and formalities were not observed.
Officers who sat on the court martial swore that they would hang their
prisoners, guilty or innocent and, if any dared to raise his voice against such
indiscriminate vengeance, he was silenced by his angry colleagues. Persons
condemned to death after the mockery of a trial were often tortured by soldiers
before their execution, while the officers looked on approvingly. It is worth
recalling what Elphinstone, Governor of Bombay Presidency, wrote to Sir John
Lawrence, future Viceroy of India (1864) about the British siege of Delhi
during June-September, 1857: ‘...A wholesale vengeance is being taken without
distinction of friend or foe. As regards the looting, we have indeed surpassed
English followed a policy of racial discrimination. The systematic exclusion of
the Indians from higher official positions came to be looked upon as an
anti-Indian policy measure and the resultant discontent of the Indian upper
classes led the Indians to revolt against the British rule. When civil service
examinations were introduced the age limit was fixed at twenty one. When
Indians were making it, with a view to debarring the Indians from entering the
civil services, the age limit was reduced to nineteen. Similarly, despite
requests from Indian educated middle class to hold the civil service
examinations simultaneously in India, the Imperial government refused to
concede the request.
regulations like Section 124A of the Indian Penal Code (1870), punishing
attempts to excite disaffection towards the Government, and the Vernacular
Press Act (1878), censoring the press, evoked protest. Abolition of custom duty
on cotton manufactures imported from England and levy of excise duty on cotton
fabrics manufactured in India created nationwide discontent. During the
viceroyalty of Ripon the Indian judges were empowered through the Ilbert Bill
to try Europeans. But in the face of resistance from the Europeans the bill was
amended to suit the European interests.
introduction of printing press in India was an event of great significance. It
helped people to spread, modern ideas of self-government, democracy, civil
rights and industrialisation. The press became the critic of politics. It
addressed the people on several issues affecting the country. Raja Rammohan
Roy’s Sambad Kaumudi (1821) in
Bengali and Mirat-Ul-Akbar (1822) in
Persian played a progressive role in educating the people on issues of public
importance. Later on a number of nationalist and vernacular news papers came to
be launched to build public opinion and they did yeomen service in fostering
nationalist consciousness. Among them Amrit
Bazaar Patrika, The Bombay Chronicle, The Tribune, The
Indian Mirror, The Hindu and
Swadesamitran were prominent.
like William Jones, Charles Wilkins and Max Muller explored and translated
religious, historical and literary texts from Sanskrit, Persian and Arabic into
English and made them available to all. Influenced by the richness of Indian
traditions and scholarship, many of the early nationalists made a fervent plea
to revive the pristine glory of India. Aurobindo Ghose would write, ‘The
mission of Nationalism, in our view, is to recover Indian thought, Indian
character, Indian perceptions, Indian energy, Indian greatness and to solve the
problems that perplex the world in an Indian spirit and from the Indian
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