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Chapter: 12th Office Management and Secretaryship : Chapter 9 : Controlling

Merits and Demerits of Controlling

It is a process whereby standards (targets) will be set, analysing the actual performance by comparing standards and actual performance; finally correcting the deviations.

Merits and Demerits of Controlling

It is a process whereby standards (targets) will be set, analysing the actual performance by comparing standards and actual performance; finally correcting the deviations. It is a mechanism which converts dreams into reality.



Correcting the deviations: It reveals the deficiency in the sub- functions of planning such as policy, procedures, objectives, rules and strategy. It gives the management a chance to modify the sub-functions of planning in order to achieve the desired result.

Initiating Action: Action is the essence of control, it enables the management to take remedial action on deviations. Necessary rectification can be done.

Facilitates delegation and decentralisation: A supervisor delegates authority to his sub ordinates to get things done. The delegation is made properly and helps control to find out whether the employees are able to attain standard.

Activates subordinates: If proper control mechanism is absent then subordinates in the organisation will be lethargic. This is a human tendency. Subordinates will be actively engaged in their activities only if they have psychological pressure. The management can ensure this by taking proper actions.

Increases efficiency: Generally, skilled workers will not be efficient if there is no proper control mechanism. Therefore, control induces and persuade the workers to increase their efficiency.

Optimum Utilisation of resources: Subordinates in the organisation will use the resources optimally and effectively, if proper control is initiated. Subordinates are responsible for the wrong usage of the resources.

Integrating Force: Control integrates all the department and workers in the organisation in order to achieve the objectives. Control acts as a coordinating force for the management. Coordination is the essence of the management; therefore, this can be made only when there is proper control mechanism.



External threats: Organisation cannot control the external factors such as suppliers, government, technology, customers, and competitor’s etc. this pose a major challenges for the management.

Impossibility of quantification: Quantification refers to setting up of standards in terms of numbers. This is not possible in certain areas i.e., psychological areas such as job satisfaction, morale, motivation of the employees cannot be measured in terms of numbers.

Employees resistance: some employees do not like to check their performances. This is because of their inferiority.

Time consuming: It consumes more time for measuring the actual performance and comparing with standards. In large organisation, this problem exists.

Fixation of Wrong standards: Control becomes futile if standards fixed were wrong. So top management while fixing any standards needs to study the environment both at micro and macro level.

Communication barriers: Barriers to communication may pose a greater challenge for management. Communicating the standards and deviations of the subordinate may irritates them if their performance is not satisfactory.

This can be removed by the superior by selecting appropriate medium of communication.


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12th Office Management and Secretaryship : Chapter 9 : Controlling : Merits and Demerits of Controlling |

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