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Chapter: Business Science : Services Marketing : Service Marketing Opportunities

Managing Consumer Expectations

The higher the expectations, the greater the probability of purchase. The lower the expectations, the lower the probability of purchase.



The higher the expectations, the greater the probability of purchase. The lower the expectations, the lower the probability of purchase. That the higher the expectations, the greater the chances that the service firm will not be able to met consumer expectations and that the customer will be dissatisfied.

1.                 During Pre-Purchase Phase:Managing customer expectations during the pre-purchase phase consist of 3 steps. First, learn what customers expect. Second, tell customers what they can expect. Third, consistently provide the service that customer expect.


2.                 During the service encounter three strategies can be used during the service encounter to manage customer expectations. First service personnel must communicate with the customer during the service encounter. Second, if possible service providers should modify the service to meet the


customer‟s expectations. Third, if the servic why the customer expectation cannot be met. The goal during this phase is to ensure the services are provided matches tionthe consumer‟s expecta


3. During the post-purchase phase: Service firms have 3 strategies. They can use after the service has been completed. First, Companies should communicate with customers immediately after the service is completed to see if the expectations were met. Second, firms can use a follower programme such as an evaluation survey sent to the customer through the mail or a phone call. Third, companies should have a procedure for dealing with dissatisfied customers that will assist in managing future expectations.

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