Managerial economics (meaning and nature)
economics is economics applied in decision making. It is the branch of
economics which serves as a link between abstract theory and managerial
It is
based on the economic analysis for identifying problems,organizing information
and evaluating alternatives.
economics is the of economic modes of thought to analyse business situationǁ
and Meriam
economics is the integration of economic theory with business practice for the
purpose of facilitating decision making and forwardplanning by the management.ǁ
1. It is
microeconomic in character as it concentrate only on the study of the firm not
on the working of the economy
2. It takes
help from the macroeconomics to understand the environment in which the firm
3. It is
normative rather than positive i.e., it gives answer for the question what
ought to be than what is ,was.
4. It is
both conceptual and metrical.
5. It
focuses mainly on the theory of the firm than on distribution‘
6. Knowledge
of managerial economics helps in making wise choices.i.e., choices among
scarcity of resources.
7. It is
goal oriented i.e., aims at achievement of objectives.
1. It helps
in decision making
2. Decisionmaking
means a balance between simplification of analysis to be manageable and
complication of factors in hand
3. It helps
the manager to become an more competent builder
4. It helps
in providing most of the concepts that are needed for the analysis of business
problems,the concepts such as elasticity of demand ,fixed, variable cost, SR
and LR costs, opportunity costs,NPV etc.,
5. It helps
in making decisions in the following.
What should be the product mix?
Which is the production technique?
What is the i/p mix at least cost?
What should be the level of output and price?
How to take investment decisions?
How much should the firm advertise
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