Computer Science - Invariants | 11th Computer Science : Chapter 8 : Iteration and recursion

Chapter: 11th Computer Science : Chapter 8 : Iteration and recursion


Computer Science : Iteration and recursion



Example 8.1. Suppose the following assignment is executed with (u, v) = (20,15). We can annotate before and after the assignment.


-- before: u, v = 20, 15 u, v :=u+5,v-5

--after: u, v = 25, 10


After assignment (u, v) = (25, 10). But what do you observe about the value of the function u + v?


before: u + v = 20 + 15 = 35


after:  u + v = 25 + 10 = 35


The assignment has not changed the value of u + v. We say that u + v is an invariant of the assignment. We can annotate before and after the assignment with the invariant expression.


--before: u + v = 35 u, v : = u + 5, v - 5


--after : u + v = 35


We can say, u + v is an invariant: it is 35 before and after. Or we can say u + v =35 is an invariant: it is true before and after.


Example 8.2. If we execute the following assignment with (p, c = 10, 9), after the assignment, (u, v) = (11, 10).


--before : p, c = 10 , 9 p, c := p + 1, c+1


--after: p, c = 11 , 10


Can you discover an invariant? What is the value of p - c before and after?


before: p — c = 10 — 9 = 1


after: p — c = 11 — 10 = 1


We find that p - c = 1 is an invariant.


In general, if an expression of the variables has the same value before and after an assignment, it is an invariant of the assignment. Let P(u, v) be an expression involving variables u and v. P(u, v)[u, v:= el, e2] is obtained from P(u, v) by replacing u by el and v by e2 simultaneously. P(u, v) is an invariant of assignment u, v := el, e2 if


P(u,v) [u,v := el, e2] = P(u,v)


Example 8.3. Show that p - c is an invariant of the assignment


p, c := p + 1, c + 1


Let P(p, c) = p - c. Then


P (p, c) [p, c := p + 1, c + l]


=p — c [p, c := p + 1, c + l]


=(p + 1) — (c + 1)


=p — c


=P(P , c)


Since (p - c)[p, c := p+l, c+l] = p


-c, p - c is an invariant of the assignment p, c := p + 1, c + 1.


Example 8.4. Consider two variables m and n under the assignment


m, n := m + 3, n - 1


Is the expression m + 3n an invariant?


Let P(m, n) = m + 3n. Then


P(m, n) [m, n := m + 3, n — l]


= m + 3n [m, n := m + 3, n — l]


= (m + 3) + 3(n — l)


=m + 3 + 3n — 3


=m + 3n


=P(m, n)


Since (m + 3n) [ m, n : = m + 3, n - 1] = m + 3n, m + 3n is an invariant of the assignment m, n := m + 3, n - l.

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