1. What is meant by cell?
The basic
living unit of the body is cell. The function of organs and other Structure of
the body is understood by cell organization.
2. Give the abbreviation form for
RNA –Ribo
Nucleic Acid DNA—De- Oxy Nucleic Acid
3. What are resting and action potential, bio
electric potential?
membrane potential caused by the different concentration of ions is
calledresting potential. It is caused by very rapid change of membrane
Permeability to sodium ions followed by recovery period.The positive potential
of the cell membrane during excitation is called action potential. Certain
systems of the body generate their own monitoring signals conveying useful
information about the functions they represent. Such signals are bio electric
potentials and are related to nerve conduction, brain activity, heart beat etc.
4.What is meant by measurement.
is an act or the result of comparison between the quantity and a predefined
5. Mention the basic requirements
of measurement.
The standard used for comparison purpose must be accurately
defined and should be commonly accepted. The apparatus used and the method
adopted must be provable.
6. What are the 2 methods for
2. Indirect
7. Explain the function of measurement system.
The measurement system consists of a transuding
element which converts the quantity to be measured in an analogous form the
analogous signal is then processed by some intermediate means and is then fed
to the end device which presents the results of the measurement.
8. Define Instrument.
is defined as a device for determining the value or magnitude of a quantity or
9. List the types of instruments?
The 3
types of instruments are
1) Mechanical
2) Electrical
Instruments and
3) Electronic
11.What is meant by Resting Potential?
Equilibrium is reached with a potential difference
across the membrane such that negative on inside and positive on outside. This
membrane potential caused by the different concentration of irons is called
Resting Potential.
12.What is meant by Action
Cell has a slightly positive potential on the
inside due to imbalance of potassium ions. This positive potential of the cell
membrane during excitation is called Action Potential and is about 20 mV.
13.Give any 4 factors to be
considered when we design any medical Instrument?
Frequency Response, Linearity, S/N ratio, Stability,
14.What is Electrode Potential?
The voltage
developed at an electrode-electrolyte interface is known as Electrode
15.What is the purpose of
electrode paste?
The electrode paste decreases the impedance of the
contact the artifacts resulting from the movement of the electrode or patient.
16.Give the different types of
Depth and
needle electrodes,
17.Give the different types of Surface electrodes?
1) Metal Plate electrodes
2) Suction cup electrodes
3) Adhesive tape electrodes
4) Multi point electrodes
5) Floating electrodes.
What is
PH electrode?
chemical balance of human body is identified by measurement of Ph content of
blood and other body fluids. PH is defined as logarithm of reciprocal of
hydrogen ion concentration.
19. Define polarized and non polarized electrode.
Electrodes in which no net transfer of charge
occurs across the metal electrolyte interface is called as perfectly polarized
electrodes.Electrodes in which un hindered exchange of charge occurs across the
metal electrode interface is called perfectly non polaraisable electrodes.
20. What is plethysmograph?
instrument used for measuring blood volume is called plethysmograph.
Half Cell Potential - A
characteristic potential difference established by the electrode and its surrounding electrolyte which depends
on the metal, concentration of ions in solution and temperature.
Polarization - If there is a current between
the electrode and electrolyte, the observed half cell potential is often altered due to polarization.
Biopotential amplifiers - Biopotential
amplifiers are required to increase signal strength while maintaining fidelity
Electrocardiograph - A very
widely used medical instrument, which is utilized to diagnose and monitor cardiac beat abnormalities, is
the electrocardiograph
Myocardium - The walls of the heart are
composed of cardiac muscle, called myocardium.
EEG - EEG is the recorded
representation of bioelectric potentials generated by the neuronal activity of the brain.
Grand mal epilepsy – Sudden loss of consciousness, falling
down, tonic contractions (stiffening of
muscles) followed by twitching and jerking movements of the limbs
Surface electrodes- Usually
this electrode is used for EMG. But by using this electrode, it is not possible to take the deeper potential.
Needle electrodes – These are inserted into tissue or
closer to tissue to measure the electrical
activity of muscle.
EMG - It is an instrument used for
recording the electrical activity of the muscles to determine whether the muscle is contracting or
EOG - It is the recording of the
biopotentials generated by the movement of eyes
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