1. What is the basic principle used
in potentiometer?
Basic principle used in potentiometer is that the unknown emf is
measured by comparing it with a standard known emf.
2. Name
the materials used in potentiometer.
The materials used in potentiometer are
i. German silver
ii. Manganin wire
3. State
the applications of potentiometer.
The applications of potentiometers are
i. measurement of unknown emf
ii. ammeter calibration
iii. Voltmeter calibration
iv. wattmeter calibration
4. State the advantages of crompton
The advantages of crompton potentiometer are:
i. More accuracy
ii. Easy to adjust
5. What
are the practical difficulties in A.C potentiometers?
The practical difficulties in A.C potentiometers are:
i. More complicated
ii. Accuracy is seriously
iii. Difficulty is
experienced in standardization.
6. Classify
AC potentiometers.
AC potentiometers are classified as
i. Polar potentiometer
ii. Coordinate
7. How
the phase angle is measured in polar type potentiometers?
The phase angle is measured in polar type potentiometers from
the position of phase
8. List any two AC potentiometers.
The two AC potentiometers are i. Drysdale Tinsley potentiometer
ii. Gall Tinsley potentiometer.
9. State
the advantages of AC potentiometers.
The advantages of ac potentiometers are
i. They can be used for
measurement of both magnitude and phase angle
ii. They can be used for
measurement of inductance of the coil.
iii. They are used in
measurement of errors in current transformers.
10. State
the applications of AC potentiometers.
The applications of AC potentiometers are
i. Measurements of self inductance.
ii. Ammeter calibration
iii. Voltmeter calibration
iv. Wattmeter calibration.
11. State
the advantages of instrument transformers.
The advantages of instrument transformers are
i. Used for extension of
ii. Power loss is minimum
iii. High voltage and
currents can be measured.
12. State
the disadvantage of instrument transformers.
The disadvantage of instrument transformers is that they cannot
be used for DC measurements.
13. What are the constructional parts
of current transformer?
The constructional parts of current transformer are
i. Primary winding
ii. Secondary winding
iii. Magnetic core.
14. Name
the errors caused in current transformer.
The errors caused in current transformer are
i. Ratio error
ii. Phase angle error
15. Define
ratio error
Ratio error is defined as the ratio of energy component current
and secondary current.
16. How the phase angle error is
The phase angle is created mainly due to magnetizing component
of excitation current.
17. State
the use of potential transformer.
The use of potential transformer are
i. They are used for
measurement of high voltage
ii. They are used for
energizing relays and protective circuits.
18. How
the current transformer and potential transformer are connected in a circuits?
In a current transfrmer is connected in series and potential
transformer is connected in parallel
19. What is the range of medium
The range of resistance is about 1 ohm to 100 kilo ohms.
20. Name
the methods used for low resistance measurement.
The methods used for low resistance measurement are
1. Ammeter – voltmeter
2. Potentiometer method
3. Kelvin double bridge
4. Ohm meter method.
21. What
are the types of DC potentiometers?
The types of DC potentiometers are
i. Crompton’s Potentiometer
ii. Duo-Range Potentiometer
iii. Vernier Potentiometer
iv. Brook’s Deflectional
22. What
is a bridge circuit?
A bridge circuit consists of a network of four impedance arms
forming a closed circuit. A source of current is applied to two opposite
junctions. The current detector is connected to other two junctions.
23. What
are the types of bridges?
The types of bridges are:
i. DC bridge ii. AC
24. What
are the types of DC bridges?
The types of DC bridges are
i. Wheatstone bridge
ii. Kelvin Double bridge
25. What are the types of AC bridges?
The types of AC bridges are
i. Capacitance comparison
ii. Inductance comparison
iii. Schering bridge
iv. Maxwell’s Inductance
and capacitance bridge
v. Hay’s bridge
vi. Anderson bridge
vii. Wien bridge
26. Classify
the cables according to their sheathing.
According to their sheathing cables are classified as
i. Armoured cables
ii. Unarmoured cables.
27. State
the advantages of price’s guard wire method.
The advantage of price’s guard method is leakage current does
not flow through the meter and therefore it gives accurate reading.
28. How the earth resistance is
Earth resistance can be measured by using earth megger.
29. Which
type of detector is used in ACbridges?
The detectors used in AC bridges are
i. Vibration
ii. Tunable amplifier
iii. Head phones
30. Name
the sources of errors in AC bridge measurements.
The sources of errors in AC bridges are
i. Errors due
to stray magnetic fields
ii. Leakage errors
iii. Eddy current errors
iv. Residual errors
v. Frequency and waveform
31. State the advantages of wein
The advantage of wien bridge is the balance equation is
independent of frequency and therefore is more accurate.
32. State the disadvantage of wein
The disadvantage of wien bridge is a standard variable
capacitor. Variable capacitor is more costly.
33. State
the disadvantages of Hay’s bridge.
The disadvantages of Hay’s bridge is the balance equation is
dependent of frequency and therefore any changes in frequency will affect the
34. State the use of Wein bridge.
Wien bridge is used for the measurement of unknown capacitance
and frequency.
35. Define: Q-factor of the coil
Q-factor of the coil is defined as the ratio of power stored in
the coil to the power dissipated in the coil.
36. Name
the faults that occurs in cables.
Faults that occur in cables are
i. Break down of cable
ii. Short circuit fault
iii. Open conductor fault.
37. Name
the loop test methods used in location of fault.
Loop test methods used in location of fault is
i. Murray loop test
ii. Varley loop test.
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