1. Write about out plant handling?
Out plant handling includes the
handling of coalmine to the thermal power plant. These handlings are outside
the plant in the following ways.
Transportation by sea (or) river
Transportation by rail
Transportation by road
Transportation of coal by pipeline.
2. Write
about inplant handling of-coal?
In order to handle large quantity
of coal inside the plant, some mechanical handling systems are provided f6r
smooth, easy and better controlled operation. The inplant coal handling is
divided, into following categories.
Coal unloading
Coal preparation
Coal transfer
Coal storage
3. Why the
preparation of coal is necessary?
The coal from coal nines cannot
be directly fed into the furnace. Proper preparation of coal should be done
before feeding the coal to the furnace. In the coal preparation, the coal
passes through the different equipments like 1. Crushers 2.Sizers 3.Driers and
Magnetic Separators.
4. Name the
different types of coal transforming equipments?
1. Belt
conveyors 2. Screw conveyors 3. Bucket elevators 4. Grab bucket elevators 5.
Skip hoists 6. Flight conveyors. The coal transfer starts by carrying of coal
from-unloading point to the storage site.
5. Write the
classification of Mechanical Stokers?
1. Travelling grate stoker 2. Chain grate stoker
3. Spreader stoker 4. Vibrating grate Stoker
5. Underfeed stoker.
6. Define draught, what is the use of draught in
thermal power plants?
Draught is defined as a small
pressure difference required between the fuel bed (furnace) and outside air to
maintain constant flow of air and to discharge the gases through chimney to the
atmosphere. Draught can be obtained by chimney, fan, steam jet (or) -air jet
(or) combination of these. The uses are
To supply required quantity of air to the furnace
for combustion of fuel.
To draw the combustion products through the
To remove burnt products from the system
7. Why the
balanced draught system is preferred than other system?
In the induced draught system,
when the furnace is opened for firing, the cold air enters the furnace and
dilate the combustion. In the forced draught system, when the furnace is opened
for firing, the high pressure air will try to blow out suddenly and furnace may
stop. Hence the furnace cannot be opened for firing (q) inspection in both,
systems. Balanced draught, which is a combination of induced and forced
draught, is used to overcome the above stated difficulties.
8. Define forced draft and induced draft cooling
If the fan is located at the
bottom of the tower and air is blown by the fan up through the descending water
it is called as forced draft cooling towers. If the fan is located at the top
of the tower
and air enters through the louvers located on
the tower’s side and drawn up and discharge through the
fan casing, it is called as induced draft.
9. What is the working principle of Cooling
The hot water is sprayed from the
top of the tower, while the air is made to flow from the bottom of the tower to
the top. This air cools the hot water in the cooling tower. Air vaporises a
small percentage of water, there by cooling the remaining water. The air
absorbs the heat and leaves at the top of the tower and cooled water leaves at
the bottom and recirculated to the condenser.
10. How the atmospheric (or) natural draught
cooling towers- are classified?
In atmospheric (or) natural
cooling towers, the natural air provides the required Cooling without the use
of fans. This is classified into three types.
1. Natural
draft spray filled towers
2. Natural
draft packed type towers.'
3. Hyperbolic
cooling towers
11. How mechanical draft cooling towers are
draft cooling tower is classified into three types
1. Forced
draft tower.
2. Induced
draft counter flow tower
3. Induced
draft cross flow tower.
Write the classification of Ash handling
1. Hydraulic
2. Pneumatic
3. Mechanical
What are the Ash discharge equipments?
1. Rail road
2. Motors
3. Barge
List the different types of components (or)
systems used in steam (or) thermal power plant?
1. Coal
handling system.
2. 2. Ash
handling system.
3. Boiler
4. Prime mover
5. Draught
a.Induced Draught
b. Forced Draught
What are the merits of thermal power plants?
(Advantages) of Thermal Power Plant:
1. The unit capacity of thermal power plant is more. The cost
of unitdecreaseswith the increase in unit capacity
2. Life of
the plant is more (25-30 years) as compared to diesel plant(2-5 years)
3. Repair
and maintenance cost is low when compared with diesel plant
4. Initial
cost of the plant is lessthan nuclearplants
5. Suitable
for varying load conditions.
What are the Demerits of thermal power
plants? Demerits of thermal Power Plants:
1. Thermal
plant are less efficient than diesel plants
2. Starting
up the plant and briningintoservice takes more time
3. Cooling
water required is more
4. Space
required is more.
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