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Chapter: Civil : Water Resources and Irrigation Engineering

Implementation of water resources projects

Water being a state subject, the state governments has primary responsibility for use and control of this resource.

Implementation of water resources projects


Ø        Water being a state subject, the state governments has primary responsibility for use and control of this resource.


Ø     The administrative control and responsibility for development of water rests with the various state departments and corporations.


Ø        Major and medium irrigation is handled by the irrigation / water resources departments.


Ø        Minor irrigation is looked after partly by water resources department, minor irrigation corporations and zillaparishads / panchayats and by other departments such as agriculture.


Ø        Urban water supply is generally the responsibility of public health departments and panchayatas take care of rural water supply.


Ø        Government tube-wells are constructed and managed by the irrigation/water resources department or by the tube-well corporations set up for the purpose.


Ø          Hydropower is the responsibility of the state electricity boards.


Ø        Due to the shared responsibilities, as mentioned above, for the development of water resources projects there have been instances of conflicting interests amongst various state holders.


Central agencies in water resources sector


Some of the important offices working under the Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India which plays key role in assessing, planning and developing the water resources of the country are as follows:

            Central  Water   Commission   (CWC)

            Central   Ground  Water   Board   (CGWB)

            National  Water   Development   Agency  (NW

            Brahmaputra   Board


            Central  Water   and   Power   Research   Stat

            Central   Soil   and   Materials   Research   S

            National   Institute   of   Hydrology  (NIH)

            Ganga   Flood   Control   Commission   (GFCC)

            Water  and   Power   Consultancy  Services


            NationalProjects Construction Corporation ltd (NPCC)

Detailed activities of the above departments may be obtained from the Ministry of Water Resources web-site.

Although not directly under the ministry of water resources, the National Hydropower Corporation (NHPC) as well as Rail India Technical Engineers Services (RITES) also actively participate in water resources development projects.

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