Delineation of irrigation cropping
pattern zones
ü The
criteria used for the delineation of the irrigation cropping pattern zones
were, in order of decreasing importance: distribution of irrigated crops,
average rainfall trends and patterns, topographic gradients, presence of large
river valleys (Nile, Niger, Senegal), presence of extensive wetlands (the Sudd
in Sudan), population pressure, technological differences and crop calendar
above and below the equator (Zaire).
ü The
starting point was the type of irrigated crops currently grown in Africa.
ü This
resulted in 18 zones.
ü From
these zones, sub-zones showing a different cropping intensity or a different
crop calendar were defied.
ü This
resulted in a total of 24 irrigation pattern zones which are considered to be
homogeneous for:
currently grown;
cropping intensity.
ü Only
the main crops currently grown, those occupying at least 85% of the irrigated
area, were considered.
ü Land
occupation of the remaining 15 % by secondary crops was assigned to the main
ü An
'average' typical monthly crop calendar was assigned to each zone, based on
work done by FAO's global information and early warning system, and on
information from the reference library of FAO's agro-meteorology group,
AQUASTAT and, for eastern Africa, from the IGADD crop production system zones
ü For
each crop the actual cropping intensity was derived from national crop
production and land use figures extracted from the FAO AGROSTAT [6] and
AQUASTAT [21a] databases.
ü It
ranges from 100 to 200%, according to the crop calendar.
ü The
cropping intensity to be used in this study of irrigation potential
('potential' scenario) was generally estimated by increasing current values by
10 to 20%, but it was assumed that because of market limitations the current
high intensity (in relative terms) of vegetables in certain parts of the
continent would not be found in the potential scenario.
ü Therefore,
intensities of cereal crops are higher in the potential scenario than in the
actual situation.
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