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Chapter: 11th 12th standard bio zoology Human Body higher secondary school

Human Skin grafting and Dermatitis

It is inflammation of the skin, sometimes due to an allergy but in many cases it occurs witout any known cause. Many types of dermatitis such as eczema are known.



It is inflammation of the skin, sometimes due to an allergy but in many cases it occurs witout any known cause. Many types of dermatitis such as eczema are known.


Contact dermatitis


In this type of dermatitis the rash is a reaction to some substances that comes in contact with the skin. The reaction may result from a direct toxic effect of the substances or it may be an allergic response. Among the more common causes of the reaction are detergents, nickel (eg. in watch straps, bracelets, necklaces and fastening of underclothes), certain plants (eg. Rag weed), certain cosmetics and some medications in the form of creams, lotions or drops. The type of rash varies according to the substance causing it but it is often itchy and may flake or lister. Distribution of the rash corresponds to the skin area that has been in contact with the causative substance.


Photo dermatitis


This type of dermatitis occurs in people whose skin is abnormally sensitive to light. In the most common form of photo dermatitis a cluster of spots or blisters develop on any part of the body exposed to sun.


Skin grafting


Skin grafting is a technique used in plastic surgery to repair areas of lost or damaged skin. A piece of healthy skin is detached from one part of the body and transferred to the affected area. New cells grow from the graft and cover the damaged area with fresh skin.

Skin taken from an identical twin can be used for a graft, but skin from another person or an animal is soon rejected by the recipient body. A skin graft is performed because the area is too large to be repaired by stitching or because natural healing would result in scarring that might be ugly or restrict movement.


Most grafts are performed by removing skin from the donor site and transferring to the recipient site.

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